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Formula doesn't work in 10.5

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  • Formula doesn't work in 10.5

    I have a formula that I've used for years to put HVWAP lines on my charts. Whenever I try to put it onto my chart eSignal 10.5 immediately closes down. Where can I get help with this problem. Can someone please help make this work or can someone tell me why this doesn't work in this version. Thanks.

  • #2
    Re: Formula doesn't work in 10.5

    You will need to post the code or attach the efs for someone to be able to assist you with this issue

    Originally posted by pmescher
    I have a formula that I've used for years to put HVWAP lines on my charts. Whenever I try to put it onto my chart eSignal 10.5 immediately closes down. Where can I get help with this problem. Can someone please help make this work or can someone tell me why this doesn't work in this version. Thanks.


    • #3
      This is a free little program someone gave me years
      ago. It's always worked but not now. Thanks for
      any help as I don't know much about this.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        The formula seems to be working at my end using version 10.5 (see enclosed screenshot)
        It does call two other efs respectively getPrevOHLC.efs and getTodayOHLC which should be located in the OHLC subfolder of Formulas so the first thing you may want to do is check that you have those files in that folder.

        Originally posted by pmescher
        This is a free little program someone gave me years
        ago. It's always worked but not now. Thanks for
        any help as I don't know much about this.


        • #5
          That is exactly what it is supported to look like but it doesn't work for me and two people at eSignal ran it with same results I get. One ran it at eSignal on Wed and the program crashed. One on Friday ran it on the yet to be released newest version and the program didn't crash but this efs wouldn't run.

          he first thing I did was check for the two efs that you mentioned were being called to see if they were in the OHLC subfolder and they were there. However, if I try to run those two efs individually they return a value of NONE. eSignal person got the same thing. Do you have any idea what the difference is b/w what you are doing and what we might not be doing or what might be blocking this.

          Thank you so much


          • #6
            You may want to post the two scripts I mentioned earlier so that I or someone else can review and test them.

            One on Friday ran it on the yet to be released newest version and the program didn't crash but this efs wouldn't run.
            FWIW I have also tested the efs on the yet to be released version you mention and it is running without any problems

            However, if I try to run those two efs individually they return a value of NONE.
            That is to be expected since the scripts do not return anything and are only intended to be used as auxiliary scripts for other formulas

            Originally posted by pmescher
            That is exactly what it is supported to look like but it doesn't work for me and two people at eSignal ran it with same results I get. One ran it at eSignal on Wed and the program crashed. One on Friday ran it on the yet to be released newest version and the program didn't crash but this efs wouldn't run.

            he first thing I did was check for the two efs that you mentioned were being called to see if they were in the OHLC subfolder and they were there. However, if I try to run those two efs individually they return a value of NONE. eSignal person got the same thing. Do you have any idea what the difference is b/w what you are doing and what we might not be doing or what might be blocking this.

            Thank you so much


            • #7
              Thanks. I have no reason to believe these formulas don't work as written. Especially given what you are saying. If you can run them and I can't nor can the eSignal techs then it has to be something that is preventing them from running in my program/computer and in their program/computer. I have no idea what would do that but I know it has always run in earlier versions for me and it runs for you. Thanks for your help it lets me know the direction of the problem. I now understand the called EFS's work and it is just this EFS that won't work for me. I need to find out what would block this EFS for me and for the eSignal techs. Since eSignal ran it on the last and the new versions and it didn't work and you are running the new version and it does work then it can't be the program as you have it so it has to be an ancillary problem of some type.


              • #8
                FWIW with one very simple modification to the script [which makes use of efs2 functionality] you can avoid calling the other efs and possibly also resolve the problem you are seeing.
                Replace these lines of code in the script you posted
                PHP Code:
                with the following
                PHP Code:
                and the formula will return the same results
                For the description of the functions used see this and this article in the EFS KnowledgeBase

                Originally posted by pmescher
                Thanks. I have no reason to believe these formulas don't work as written. Especially given what you are saying. If you can run them and I can't nor can the eSignal techs then it has to be something that is preventing them from running in my program/computer and in their program/computer. I have no idea what would do that but I know it has always run in earlier versions for me and it runs for you. Thanks for your help it lets me know the direction of the problem. I now understand the called EFS's work and it is just this EFS that won't work for me. I need to find out what would block this EFS for me and for the eSignal techs. Since eSignal ran it on the last and the new versions and it didn't work and you are running the new version and it does work then it can't be the program as you have it so it has to be an ancillary problem of some type.

