I am running latest version of 10.5
I store a bar index value of a previous bar in a variable, pLn.
I reference this previous bar value by using the low() function.
When I do this, my code stops running and returning valid information. Very similar to memory corruption.
Has anyone seen this isssue
even if I put a debugPrintln statement in to reference this to the console I get the problem.
also, if I put low(-1007) in there, it does it was well. Has anyone seen this?
Update there are 1114 bars on the chart.
If reference low(-1104) it works
if I reference anything beyond that
i.e. low(-1105) it crashes
Seems when you try to peek at the last 10 bars on the chart(or first ten) it causes a corruption problem.
I store a bar index value of a previous bar in a variable, pLn.
I reference this previous bar value by using the low() function.
When I do this, my code stops running and returning valid information. Very similar to memory corruption.
Has anyone seen this isssue
even if I put a debugPrintln statement in to reference this to the console I get the problem.
also, if I put low(-1007) in there, it does it was well. Has anyone seen this?
Update there are 1114 bars on the chart.
If reference low(-1104) it works
if I reference anything beyond that
i.e. low(-1105) it crashes
Seems when you try to peek at the last 10 bars on the chart(or first ten) it causes a corruption problem.