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Need help with new PivotPoint-ATR indicator

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  • Need help with new PivotPoint-ATR indicator

    I've been trying to create an indicator <PivotPoint-ATR-Daily.efs> which would be very similar to the PivotPointAll indicator (daily) except that it would use multiples of the ATR to calculate resistance and support levels rather than the combinations of OHLC.

    I've been trying to combine the <PivotPointAll.efs> coding and the <bulitinATR .efs > to get there but after many attempts I am only getting the midpoint line to display (which does not use the ATR).
    I have made comments (//...) for each line of the original <PivotPointAll> code where I have made changes. (I have also included a chart with the <PivotPointAll> indicator to see more or less what it should look like.)

    I have changed the <getValue> from -1 to 0 to move the curves forward by 1 day such that the results for today are displayed in the space for tomorrow. I would also like to see the curves extend at the start of the day through to the end of the day, even though it might still be very early in the day - but this is not critical.
    And lastly I want to offset these curves to line up with the official Closing times for each market. How can this be done?
    ex. Forex = 17:00-16:59;
    ES = 16:30-16:15, etc.

    Can someone help please?

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  • #2
    Need help with new PivotPoint-ATR indicator

    Sorry, the coding didn't stick to original message.
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    • #3
      Need help with new PivotPoint-ATR indicator

      Trying for a third time. Eventually it's going to stick.
      Attached Files

