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Suppress study display

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  • Suppress study display

    Hi guys. Can anyone tell me how to suppress the display of a study within an EFS? Example: When using an EFS on ESZ9 and referencing an EMA of a different symbol with a much higher value, the EMA plots the graph on the ES chart, ruining the scaling. How do I call an EMA for a symbol other then the one I have displayed, without it plotting the value?

    Appreciate any help you give.

  • #2
    You need to change the return value from a number to a string - like this..

    if your original return statement looks like this..

    return new Array(value1, value2, value3);

    Then you would change it to look like this..

    return new Array(""+value1, ""+value2, ""+value3);

    Adding the ""+ to the beginning of any returned value will change it to a string which will prevent it from plotting on the chart, but still return a value to the cursor window.
    Brad Matheny
    eSignal Solution Provider since 2000


    • #3
      Thank you for the reply. Your solution worked a treat! I have 2 more questions if anyone can help me.

      1. How can I tell from an EFS if I have a trade open?

      2. How do I go about getting on the list of Beta testers for any developments with the EFS trading interface?



      • #4
        Hello merkro,

        Originally posted by merkro
        Thank you for the reply. Your solution worked a treat! I have 2 more questions if anyone can help me.

        1. How can I tell from an EFS if I have a trade open?
        EFS does not have this capability currently. Please see this post for more details.

        2. How do I go about getting on the list of Beta testers for any developments with the EFS trading interface?

        We'll post details to the forums once we've reached that stage.
        Jason K.
        Project Manager
        eSignal - an Interactive Data company

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