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price scale

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  • price scale

    I am trying to draw a verticle line on the price graph and I need to figure out what the currently displayed scale is. I am attempting with drawLineRelative(bar, price, bar, nScaleHt ....) where nScaleHt equals: for example if the price scale ranges from 12.50 to 12.75 I want nScaleHt = .15 but if the scale is 100 to 110 I want nScaleHt = 7.50. Can someone help?

  • #2
    I don't believe it can be done (yet).

    Sorry to say... But I don't believe we have access to the price scale yet.

    You could create a "lookback" feature in your code that waited till the current bar, then looked back X number of bars to identify the HIGH/LOW price scale range. From there, you can attempt to draw your lines.

    Would this help you out at all?? If so, then I can show you how to do it.

    Brad Matheny
    eSignal Solution Provider since 2000


    • #3
      I've got a H-L scan now in the main(). (lines 52-64) If I understand correctly this means it executes on every bar. For H-L probably need this. But from a computing standpoint I'd rather find a way to set my scale once in premain(). I would really appreciate it if you took a look.
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