I would like to insert a suggestion or an explanation when in askForInput for every single parameter.
How could I do that, if possible ?
Many thanks.
You have to use .setName("...") and .setDefault(...) to set some descriptive name for each parameter and, for a recommendation, I usually just set that as the default value for the parameter.
If your parameter array is named fpArray(), an example might be:
fpArray(j).setName("This is the lookback period for the average");
So, this tells the user that the parameter is the lookback period for the moving average and a default value of 20 is displayed.
You can also put some description in the askForInput statement.
Hi AssetHound,
first of all thank you for your answer.
Well, I knew about .setName("...") and askForInput statement but they allow only short descriptions.
Using the EFS2 Toolbox I saw that on the bottom of the box there is a descriptive field, so I wondered if it was possible to create something like that also in the edit box.