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Memory leaks

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  • Memory leaks

    Can anyone point me in the direction of an article or education source on preventing memory leaks within an EFS. Even some very basic suggestions from someone who understands what causes same would be appreciated. After running my EFS for 6 to 8 hours, though I am only using about 1/3 available memory, eSignal grinds to a halt, and I have to kill it off to regain control.

    Running an over spec'd PC with i5 processor, windows 7. Strange that eSignal uses some 25% processor with just 3 charts open when maximised, but drops to about 3% or 4% when minimised. Would have thought it would still maintain iy's graphics space. Must take an incredible amount of cpu power to display the screen graphics.

    I appreciate any help from anywhere, regardless of how basic.
