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Pice is history. High time for BID and ASK!

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  • Pice is history. High time for BID and ASK!


    I'm just have to vent a little about the lack of proper bid() and ask() functions. I know the info is there--it's plotted right on the tick charts and is actually physically in the data file, but there is no method available for us to access this in efs.

    You know, I find this to be quite incredible. Price is history. It's done. The things that mean more to me as a trader are the current bid and ask. The getMostRecentBid() and getMostRecentAsk() functions just don't cut it.

    Perhaps someone could post a function that reads the bid and ask from the data file on a tick chart? If you got it, post it please. I'll work on one myself but if you got it post it and save us all some time and headache :-)

    Just had to say it! Otherwise, I love the product.


  • #2
    See if those:


    BID ASK 2


    may fit your needs.

    PS download 'em quickly for I'm using a public space since mine is over; so I have to cancel them ASAP
    Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


    • #3

      Oh, I am familiar with those studies. They utilize the getMostRecentBid and getMostRecentAsk methods.

      Only problem is that those methods do not return historical bid/ask info and once you shut down your chart the info goes bye bye. Also, say I wanted to (and I do) do a study on bid ask info (say an MA of considerable length) I would have to wait quite a while before being able to get enough recent bids/asks.

      You see the problem.

      Any way, thanks for the suggestions though.

      I am sure that there are many of us who are anxiously awaiting the release of a basic bid() ask() function. I would have thought that it would have been one of the first things identified as being necessary.

      Oh well,



      • #4
        am sure that there are many of us who are anxiously awaiting the release of a basic bid() ask() function.
        I'm not sure that is true. To me and almost all long term successful traders I have taked to, bid/ask is a very short term indication of pressure. If one or the other wins out for the period in question, it is reflected by the close price - and therefore it has left a foot print, and a more signifigant one than if there was heavy ask in the first part of the period and heavy bid in the second.

        Granted I only have a few dozen traders I talk to regularly, so my view may be skewed. But I would be interested to know how many traders really care about historical bid/ask...and why.



        • #5
          OK, I thought of one reason for having historical bid and ask saved and that is for backtesting. If if you have a short term indicator you would, of course, want to test it back over a long period of time.

          But I still can't see bid/ask making a difference for any medium to long term indicator...



          • #6

            I did not actually properly understood your post.

            I hope for you that the function will be somehow available.

            I - very personal position- do not track or make any historical analisys on the book . And I share Gart's same point of view.

            But maybe I am wrong.

            Certainly your point is worth of development ....( i.e a matrix on volume /prices / timeframe where found a particular pattern....)
            Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


            • #7
              Well Fab and Gart,

              I appreciate your viewpoints. I for one am a short term/day trader and the bid/ask is extremely important for me. Of course I would concurr that for any medium, swing or long term investment strategy bid/ask is not that important.

              I'm going to find a workaround though. Looking at methods to pull the info from the data file.




              • #8

                May I suggest you to address your request to Esignal or some of the external developers like Chirs Cryza or Brad methenty, TS Support ; the same Garth Doverspike is a real PRO in this noble art.

                If you breakdown your project and is of common interest much likely will be developed at no cost by Esig. & Co.
                Otherwise you have the commercial avenue. But I believe that the cost will be absolutely interesting.
                Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                • #9
                  I'm going to find a workaround though. Looking at methods to pull the info from the data file.
                  You can always use the eSignal API's getMostRecentBid and getMostRecentAsk, then store this data to a file. The problem with this approach is it will only work if you have your EFS running on a chart all the time (during active hours) - and it will only collect for a limited number of symbols per EFS instance.

                  When you talk about a data file, are you talking about a tick playback file?


