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Watch list - reduce update speed

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  • Watch list - reduce update speed

    So I got really exicted to use the watchlist feature in e11, but after running some simple EFS's in it, I realize its a massive resource hog.

    Does anyone have any ideas of how to reduce the update frequency.

    For example, I have one simple EFS that just prints "breakout" and changes the color if high(0) > high(-1, inv30) and other similiar scripts.

    The previous high value wont change for 1/2 an hour but running this script on every new tick is a resource hog.

    I was thinking about printing values (that dont need to be updated often) to a text file and then importing them but I am stuck trying to figure out a script that would import values every 30mins (or 5min etc) and if that script would be much of an improvement anyways

    any ideas.

  • #2
    Re: Watch list - reduce update speed

    As I explained to you in this thread directly calling the values of series objects [eg high(0), high(-1,inv(30))] is not an efficient way of using those functions.
    Irrespective you do not need to retrieve the value of the High of the previous bar of the 30 minute interval on every tick. Just retrieve it and assign it to a global variable [so that its value persists on each subsequent iteration] once per bar at BARSTATE_NEWBAR and then use that variable in your condition.
    All the above aside you do not even need to call an external interval in this case. Just write a script that checks if the high of the current bar is greater than that of the prior bar and set the Interval for that column in the Watch List to 30 minutes

    Originally posted by eurostoxx
    So I got really exicted to use the watchlist feature in e11, but after running some simple EFS's in it, I realize its a massive resource hog.

    Does anyone have any ideas of how to reduce the update frequency.

    For example, I have one simple EFS that just prints "breakout" and changes the color if high(0) > high(-1, inv30) and other similiar scripts.

    The previous high value wont change for 1/2 an hour but running this script on every new tick is a resource hog.

    I was thinking about printing values (that dont need to be updated often) to a text file and then importing them but I am stuck trying to figure out a script that would import values every 30mins (or 5min etc) and if that script would be much of an improvement anyways

    any ideas.


    • #3
      thanks for the help,.. i forgot the differences in bar states

      the script I am writing is a bit more complex that what I used in the example but kind of similar.. and I wasnt aware that you can use getValue for a high(-1) so I will try it out


      • #4
        aaa HA

        global variables is where I was going wrong..

        also i noticed that when/if I scrolled the watch list window, that was using up a lot of recources.. i just made it bigger and it works much better

        thanks for helping with all my stupid questions. I really do appreciate it


        • #5
          You are welcome

          Originally posted by eurostoxx
          aaa HA

          global variables is where I was going wrong..

          also i noticed that when/if I scrolled the watch list window, that was using up a lot of recources.. i just made it bigger and it works much better

          thanks for helping with all my stupid questions. I really do appreciate it

