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optional parameters for setBarBgColor eSig11

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  • optional parameters for setBarBgColor eSig11


    I'm in need of converting some scripts I have to eSig 11 (from 10) and - with one indicator in particular - I'm getting some funky syntactical errors (or so it seems).

    Properly defined setBarBgColor() parameters are as follows:
    setBarBgColor( color [, index] [, yMin] [, yMax] )

    with yMin and yMax being optional but allowing you to paint background between those y co-ordinates.

    My indicator effectively (in eSig 10) renders the background color in a layerd manner...different darker colors being smaller with larger lighter colors 'layering' larger outside of the parameters of the darker shading. Thus the bg of one bar can indicate several meanings. I have 6 different shadings potentially occurring for any given bar.

    In eSig 11 it seems to capture/render only 3 or 4 max - at a time. Any advice?

    Also; any problems with drawShapeRelative or drawTextRelative that are known (obvious?)...doesn't seem to be working as usual? Does eval function tend to work as expected?

    Sorry for the length,


  • #2
    I figured it out...

    I think I figured it out...with setBarBgColor the second parameter is:

    optional. an integer identifying the return index from main()

    ...what that means is that the rendering order for setBarBgColor rides on the 'back' of the return index from main().

    And whereas in eSig 10 I could send back 'null' in the return array in Main (the 'main' return array for plotlines)as a place holder...and whereas I was sending back 8 places to accomodate my setBarBgColor 'layering'...4 places of which I was actually using...for 4 (in the middle) I was sending back null as placeholders...when I put a 0 in place of the null it worked.


    • #3
      Hi gguindon,

      Could you provide the efs you're using or a working example that illustrates the problem. It can help us define the problem or advise you workaround.

      Thank you

