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still using eSignal 8 and CME Global Waiver will be cancelled

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  • still using eSignal 8 and CME Global Waiver will be cancelled

    I just got an email saying that my waiver of Globex will be cancelled as I don't meet all of the criteria.

    I am using eSignal 8 with IB plug in everyday. One of the criteria listed is that I need to use the latest eSignal so I believe this is the reason.

    But the problem is that I have tried to upgrade to eSignal new versions many times. However, my EFS do not work in the new versions. Whenever I asked for help (many many times in the past actually) I got the feedback that it is easy . But I am not profesional programmer and have not worked with the codes for a long time. I simply don't have the time/ability to study and modify.

    Does anyone else get this message that his waiver will be cancelled too?

    I will have my annual renewal next month. Can someone give advice so I can decide what to do?

    As eSignal 8 is getting old I have been thinking of cancellation in the last 2 years if this issue is not solved anyway. The price is not low and together with the exchange fee and not being able to upgrade give me less and less reason to keep this service.

  • #2
    How long have you had the waiver? Nothing has changed recently so if you've been using the fee waiver successfully in the past, there shouldn't be an issue now. That said, we do have to verify a funded account so in case we have more info in our system, you can use LiveRep to contact us today.



    • #3
      I think you only have to connect once a month and the connection has to be sustained for at least 1 hour.

      Download 11.3. Set it up with your broker. Have it connected to your broker for a couple of hours one day while you're not trading (eg., lunch or 6-8 AM). You're done for the month.

      Bring up 8.x and trade with that for the rest of the month. There's no need to upgrade your scripts to 11.3.

      [For anyone else reading this thread, 10.6 still qualifies under the CME Waiver Program so it's not necessary to use 11.x if you don't want to.]


      • #4
        It is good news indeed.

        I have run eSignal 11 for some time. Now I can run eSignal 8 with the free datafeed.
        Last edited by Richard Yu; 11-21-2011, 03:46 AM.


        • #5

          I'm pretty sure that the reason I originally upgraded from 8.x to 10.x was to qualify for the Waiver. So you may find that my suggestion is your only way to get around your dilemma. Sacrificing a couple of hours of non-trading time to connect 11.3 to your broker once a month is no big deal.


          • #6
            Originally posted by SteveH

            I'm pretty sure that the reason I originally upgraded from 8.x to 10.x was to qualify for the Waiver. So you may find that my suggestion is your only way to get around your dilemma. Sacrificing a couple of hours of non-trading time to connect 11.3 to your broker once a month is no big deal.
            By doing this I can keep my waiver. But I still want to check if eSignal can consider checking the code to help me to make it work in new version.

            Can someone from eSignal advise?

            My suggestion is that I submit it first. If it is too complicated even for the eSignal coder to modify then I will give up as they have no obligation to work hours on modifying the codes. But if it turns out that it is a relatively piece of cake for them then it would be good if they can help. Then I will be able to upgrade and enjoy the new platform.


            • #7
              Our EFS resources are pretty tied up at the moment so I'd recommend contacting one of our EFS partners. Chris Kryza is very familiar with our older versions and the new 11 series.

              Thank you,
              Eric O.
              eSignal Support

