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EFS script on esignal 11.4 basics

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  • EFS script on esignal 11.4 basics

    Hi, I am new to eSignal and trying to learn efs script. Have had a couple of occurrences where esignal crashes on when using script editor. Is this normal, better to downgrade to 10.6?

    Noticed that formula wizard is not available on eSignal 11.4. When will this become available please.

    When I implement the exercises from the javascript efs exercise
    I get the following error message in the script editor after the script runs.
    training\test1.efs, line 1: Failed to call 'main': function is not defined.

  • #2
    I don't have a link to the efs study: "test1.efs" but sometimes when studies are copied somehow a space is inserted between the first forward slash (/) and the asterix (*) so:

    instead of /*... it has / * which will generate that error.
    All comments must begin with double forward slashes (//) or be encapsulated as follows: /* comment */.

    If any comment follows / * it will generate the error. Change it to /* comment */.

    It's a long explanation but it may solve your problem.


