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Best/Easiest Way to Aggregate Chart Indicators

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  • Best/Easiest Way to Aggregate Chart Indicators

    Is it possible to develop a script that accesses indicators within the same chart? For a simple example, on a 5min chart I may have a moving average and a stoch indicator (in reality I have many more with some fairly complex/cpu intensive). I would like to create a new indicator that changes the background color of the price bars based on certain mva and stoch conditions.

    I understand some of the issues with cross-chart scripting, such as synchronization, but do those issues apply to intra-chart scripting? If not, then could I just make the individual studies global and access their values that way? Well maybe not. I guess there is no way to ensure that the individual scripts have executed on the current tic before aggregating their values.

    The only other solution I can come up with is to combine all my indicators into one script for the simple purpose of changing background colors, which seems redundant and may really impact performance.

    Any insight or suggestions would be helpful and greatly appreciated.


  • #2
    Personal Experience...

    My experience with this is that you will not have much of a speed issue with what you are trying to attempt. Much of the CPU issue is with the GRAPHICS part of the app. Just accessing the indicators and using their values to change the BG color is not a big deal.

    I have a file with about 6 indicators (of various lengths) and the speed is fine. But I only run them with a 5 day time template.

    You should try to include the indicators into a single EFS (if possible) and build your system. This would be the easiest way to accomplish what you want.

    Hope this helps
    Brad Matheny
    eSignal Solution Provider since 2000


    • #3

      I've come to the same conclusion with the single EFS file.

      Thanks for your input.

