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7.5 beta 1 release (build 614)

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  • 7.5 beta 1 release (build 614)

    A bit of a warning to any one thinking of installing this. A few of the dozens of EFS formulas I run stopped working (and are producing errors) since I installed this. They were working just fine previously.

    This may be due to increased error checking or some such...and may well be correctable by changing the efs in some way (I will look into that later), but unless you don't run any EFS, or unless you are willing to debug why an EFS may suddenly stop working you might hold off on installing this.

    I have to head off right now, but if I determine what is going on later tonight I will let everyone know.


  • #2
    If I use the formula Wizard and enter low(-4) in the first line, the FW displays a page not found error.


    • #3
      Garth et al
      Before you look into the efs try removing them from the chart and then applying them again. You may find that in many cases they will work fine again.


      • #4

        Thanks for the suggestion. Didn't work in my case. Now I will start looking into this further.

        BTW, it also seems to have effected my browser default for some reason. When I started IE, it came up with the "IE is not your default browser" prompt. I hope it didn't mess with the defaults within IE itself...



        • #5
          The problem seems to be directly related to the use of arrays, though not all formula's that use arrays seem to display the problem...

          still narrowing it down...but all EFS that don't have arrays seem to work....



          • #6

            Thanks for the heads up, I am using arrays for iterative loops within individual efs's and am also using them to exchange info globally. I'm having enough problems now with the idiosyncracies associated with their use. I will definitely wait to upgrade til I hear more.

            Thanks again,



            • #7
              OK, here is what I discovered and with this info have fixed all EFS's I have that were producing odd results with the new build.

              In fact I was CLOSE with my initial SWAG (Silly Wild A** Guess). It wasn't additional error checking, it was a new way of dealing with certain forms of errors when dealing with arrays.

              I, and some other people, had mistakes in their formula's that allowed them to try to access elements of arrays that didn't exist. For some reason the older versions would allow this in some cases and not error.

              The new build will now produce errors if you try to use these "non existent elements" when trying to access high(), low(), close(). The error is "Parameter Number X of Function Y is invalid". Where X is the parameter number and Y is the function call (one of high(), low(), etc...)

              It was an odd one, because the older build almost always caught these cases anyway...but in odd instances it wouldn't. Now it catches it.

              So, armed with this knowledge I would guess it is now safe to move forward, as long as you give yourself time to fix some potential bugs in EFS's that use arrays.


