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  • MAPBars

    I'm trying to add the ability to use a variable price source (HL/2 ) etc, to the moving average price bars study. I managed to get the windows for adjusting this to show in edit studies but the effects won't take.
    I'd also like to add the ability to switch between a simple or exponential moving average in the edit studies window. Can someone fix this please?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Unless you have a specific reason to use the efs you posted you might want to try the attached that may offer more flexibility while also being perhaps slightly more efficient as it does not make a call to another efs.
    Essentially it is the same basicMAx2.efs that is available here and that has been adapted for this circumstance.
    The length of the first MA is set to 1 using Close as the source thereby making it a proxy of close(). However through Edit Studies you can select any of the other available sources.
    The second MA is set by default to 20, 0 offset, Simple MA and with Close as the source and again through Edit Studies you can modify any of these parameters.
    The script then uses the crossovers between the two MAs to generate the signals.
    In the image below you can see a comparison between the results of your efs (top) and the one attached.

    Attached Files


    • #3
      Thank you very much Alex. This does all I was looking for and more.


