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Best editor for EFS files

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  • Best editor for EFS files

    Hi everyone.

    being new to EFS, I have written some simple EFS strategies, based on the existing samples provided by eSignal themselves.

    Now that I am moving onto try and write something a little more sophisticated, I have questions regarding the standard eSignal editor that I hope someone can answer.

    From what I have read (and please correct me if I am wrong) The EFS system uses Javascript 1.5, enhanced with additional eSignal custom extensions / functions etc.

    I find the editor somewhat limited in use. Being new to javascript, am I expecting to much in that I would really like to see a step through debugger (ie where you can run the script / programme, and watch the results of each line being run)

    I would like to use a decent javascript editor, that has the above facility. Is there one? Does anyone recommend one? Also, has anyone managed to get hold of the custom extensions from eSignal, so that this can be built into the desired editor for testing?

    Any help, suggestions, corrections etc, please do not hesitate to let me know, and thanks in advance


  • #2
    i dont know if i understood you correctly (cause im german) but if you think the esf editor is complicated i understand that ...
    you can try the efs wizzard... i think this is a good editor because you can create cool formulas without knowing javascript or the efs syntax

    you get some tutorials here: Help...

    i hope this will help you a little


    • #3
      Nothing yet..


      Nothing like that yet.. I have asked for that type of feature too.

      We may get it in the future, but until then, we have to work within the constraints of the esignal system.

      The solution is... Use debugPrintln statements within your code and use the REPLY mode to test your system.

      This is the only solution afforded to us at the moment - but is DOES work. I can tell you this because I have used it over and over to test and it does work...

      I combine CodePad with the standard EFS editor. CodePad is a more feature rich editor, but I still do most things in the eSignal editor.

      Brad Matheny
      eSignal Solution Provider since 2000


      • #4
        Best Editor


        I had numerous problems with the efs editor, at the time they seemed to be minor annoyances. I searched for an alternate editor and found this one

        I started using this and there is a learning curve, however, I find my coding is about twice as fast as before. Alt tab takes me to the editor from eSignal, I make the required changes, Ctrl S saves the changes, then Alt tab to eSignal,reload and it's running. The printouts of the code from this package are outstanding!

        Another acquaintance from this BB uses UltraEdit. I checked out the UltraEdit site. Seems UltraEdit has every feature plus a whole lot more than mine. I plan on trying it out in the next couple of months.

        Good Luck!

