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Return from EFS with NO effect on chart?

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  • Return from EFS with NO effect on chart?

    I want to be able to defer chart updates for high performance, and so I would like to be able to return from an EFS routine with absolutely NO effect whatsoever on the GUI. I don't mean returning null, but leaving the charting state exactly as it is.

    How can I do this?


  • #2
    Re: Reply to post 'Return from EFS with NO effect on chart?'

    Most efs routines are trying to write something to the chart, and this is
    done by returning the variables calculated with the RETURN statement.

    If you don't want to plot anything on the efs, just use a


    statement as the last line of the main() section (and no other returns
    within the main() section).

    I think return null; and return; are the same.



    • #3
      Does that erase what's already there?

      Suppose the previous tick intrabar returned a value which plotted something on formula return. Would returning the null on this tick (same bar), leave the chart exactly as it was, or not?



      • #4
        Clarification price vs non-price studies

        I think there's some confusion here in my question. The standard way of doing things, where the EFS returns data, and is a non-price study, is what I'm talking about.

        In a non-price-study, can you return with NO effect on the chart?



        • #5
          If you have a non-price chart study ie setPriceStudy(false), you can not do ANYTHING on the price chart, at least nothing I have found. All returns - even nulls - are in the indicator pane area.



          return null;

          are functionally the same


          • #6
            I'd like a setNoReturn()

            That's what I thought. I wish there were some function call like setNoReturn(), so the EFS could return with NO effect.


            • #7
              Maybe I wasn't clear, return; does nothing, nada, zilch. Just waits for the next run of the efs.

              Used plenty of ways mid efs - if a value in a calculation is bogus, return; and hope for better vlues next time is probably the most common example.

