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efs script protection or encrypting?

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  • efs script protection or encrypting?

    How is the efs script protection or encryption process performed?

    Also, does this negatively impact performance?


  • #2
    If you mean, physically, how do you do it.... you click on the Tools menu option, select EFS and then select Encrypt/Decrypt. You then select the script(s) you wish to encrypt from the list of available scripts. On the next screen, you assign a password (enter it twice in the required fields and then enter your email (or presumably any text string).

    I use it quite a bit and have noticed no degradation in performance.



    • #3
      Chris, thanks.

      Yep, it works, but I was concerned about keeping a backup of the source code.

      Originally, I clicked the "protect" button in the EFS editor, and nothing happened, which was the most I had looked into the issue.

      Thought also, that it might be an extra cost subscription function for development partners, but I guess it's free!



      • #4
        Re: Reply to post 'efs script protection or encrypting?'

        Sometimes when a study is protected the encryption doesn't start on your
        machine till you reload esignal.

        Always check the encryption before distributing the code to be sure
        encryption has been enabled.



        • #5

          I've got a utility that allows encrypted files to test the users esignal ID for validation. This utility then checks an expiration date (I setup) and will allow/disallow an efs from running on a user's computer.

          I paid to have this developed, but it works perfectly.

          This provides me with the ability to enable/disable any EFS code for any user I want.

          Brad Matheny
          eSignal Solution Provider since 2000


          • #6
            You can do something similar with the addEntitlement() function. You can create a file containing a list of authorized users and store it on a web site. Then, when the script it loaded by a user, it checks the file on that web site.... if the user's eSignal username is in the file, the script continues. If not, it displays an error message and halts. You can then add/remove users from the master list at any time to manage who can (and cannot) use your script.

            addEntitlement() has been around for some time but only used internally by eSignal. In version 7.5 of eSignal, Matt G added the ability to monitor a user-defined authorization file which makes it a very useful tool.

            As an alernative, you can also use the new HTTP() object to create a more customized authorization system.


