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Timer callback function?

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  • Timer callback function?

    Is there any way to set a timer and cause a function to be called when the timer expires?

  • #2

    Thanks for the nice note on the other thread. There is a way to set a timer and cause a function to be called when the timer expires. However, a tick has to occur near the timer setting to get an accurate implementation. Without a tick, nothing will happen.

    The exception to this is a button initiated event, and this is only partially true. If the efs is running implementing a looping function (such as backtesting), there is nothing you can do to interrupt the process. (no event based interrupts??) If there are no ticks coming in and you click a button to take an action, that will work.

    Anyways, that is what I know. There are several efs wizards on the board that may be able to fill in the blanks.



    • #3
      sound queue

      Thanks Steve, I'm trying to implement a sound queue, since Alert.playSound doesn't mix properly. This has been discussed elsewhere. In a high volume environment, I could rely upon ticks coming into the queue sound player module, to take elements off the queue, but that's not reliable enough. I'd like to be able to implement a proper queue, but that doesn't seem practical unless there's an event completion callback or a timer function. Anyone else have an idea how a sound queue could be developed, short of writing one's own DLL routines? Or a timer function?

