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Calls from EFS to get $TICK info

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  • Calls from EFS to get $TICK info

    I am not sure it was the 2 am, or me, but I thought I would ask.

    I have an EFS that runs and calls the value of the $TICK. I get values, all of that is worked out, all works fine. I am running the EFS on a 1-minute ES chart, and the EFS may load back 4 days or so, and I get all other values of other indicators through out the entire past 4 day run.

    Here is the problem, the $TICK will only return the past 48 hours of values in the EFS, although a pure chart of the $TICK will have values 4 days into the past. Is it me, or is something wrong?

    Last night, I started testing at 11 PM on 2/4, and I had data all the way to 2/2 for the $TICK from the EFS. Then, after midnight, I only received data from 2/3 onwards?

    I have a saved version of my EFS that I am testing tonight to make sure it was none of my changes that made the errors, but I put a whole bunch of println statements, and the call just does not return past 48 hours.

    Here is the call:

    myTICK = "$TICK,1";
    myTICK_O = open(0, 1, myTICK)*1;
    myTICK_H = high(0, 1, myTICK)*1;
    myTICK_L = low(0, 1, myTICK)*1;
    myTICK_C = close(0, 1, myTICK)*1;

    Any ideas why I might not be returning data past 48 hours?

    Thanks in advance,


  • #2
    Are you using a Dynamic Time Template?
    If so try changing it to load a specific number of days. You may also want to see this thread where someone else had what seems to be a similar issue.


    • #3
      not sure . . .

      I am using the 9:30 - 16:00 time template, but I am not sure about how to load it to a specific number of days?



      • #4
        Just saw the other posting . . .

        That may do it, I will play with the time template tonight, so I should set it to both be equal, my ES chart and the TICK chart? I am still not sure thought why the call would not be working, even if the time template is off?

        Thanks Alexis, I appreciate the help. Let you know later on what helped and did not help.


        • #5
          Open the Time Template and check if for the Interval you are using (if none specified check the Intraday Default) the #Days is set to 0.
          If it is then you are in Dynamic mode ie the program loads only the appropriate number of bars to fill a chart.
          Try setting the #Days to a fixed value. You may also want to create User Defined intervals each one with its own #Days (or #Bars).
          For more information on setting up Time Templates see this FAQ


          • #6
            will check tonight

            Thanks Alexis, as always, will check tonight.



            • #7
              It worked fine . . .

              Alexis strikes again . . . I had two charts up, the ES, and one for the $TICK. All I did was created a custom template, and made sure that both my ES chart and TICK chart had the same template, and not set to dynamic, more like 780 bars or so.

              Thanks for all the help . . . BTW, this Forum is the best source of problem solving for a product I have seen to date. No matter how obscure the problem is, I get a solution in under a day.

              Thanks to all,


