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Sort 2-dimensional array

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  • Sort 2-dimensional array

    I need to sort five price values and keep track of the labels associated with those prices so that I know what the values represent when I'm done. I need to do both ascending and descending sort depending upon varying conditions.

    Rather than re-invent the wheel, I was hoping someone had a nice sort routine for two-dimensional arrays they would be willing to share.

    If there is an easier way than using a two-dimensional array, I'm open to ideas.


  • #2
    Hello Gavishti,

    Try doing a search using the following phrase, sort AND array*. There have been several threads discussing the sorting of array lately. This should help you find what you need. Look for Steve Hare's (stevehare2003) code examples.
    Jason K.
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    • #3

      I typically use an array of objects, which would be the equivalent of a struct in C or a Record in Delphi. See attached script.

      Attached Files


      • #4
        Thanks Chris. I like structs. The efs this is going into has a lot going on and I'm trying to squeeze out every last ounce of speed. From what I've read in the JS manual I get the impression objects are not as efficient as multi-dimensional arrays. Do you have any information about that? I'd sure rather use objects. Yes, I saw that an array is an object. Difference being that it is a pre-defined object.


        • #5

          I use a lot of fairly involved scripts that contain standard arrays, arrays of objects or both and I have not really noticed a performance bias between standard arrays and arrays of objects. I have noticed a significant difference (obviously) between scripts that don't use arrays and those that do. I do all of my coding and testing on an ancient machine (500Mhz) for that very reason...I figure that if it works well on my system it should fly on a real computer.

          Even if there is a way to effectively handle the sorting of multi-dimensional arrays (and there probably is) I would still stick with the array of objects approach simply because it is a little more organized and it translates well from C or Delphi (e.g., the structs and records). When I work with multi-dimensional arrays, my head starts to hurt if I dimension past 2 or 3.... trying to keep track of what goes where when debugging is a pain, at least for me



          • #6
            When I have to deal with multi-dimensional arrays or multiple arrays going in different directions I get brain-melt also. Steve Hare's trace() idea helps with the debugging.


            • #7
              Yes, Steve did a great job with that!

              Here is a link I found regarding sorting multi-dimensional arrays in Javascript. Just reading it makes my head hurt but it looks like it will do the trick.




              • #8
                Turns out that what I want to do is a lot simpler than expected. See attached test efs.
                Attached Files

