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bull/bear volume - HELP!

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  • bull/bear volume - HELP!

    Could somebody help me to write two indicators:

    BullVolume Indicator: when tick price change is up then add volume which was in this up-tick

    BearVloume: similar as BullVolume but oposite: when tickchange is down then add volume to Bear Volume.

    Example: lets say that price changest from 1000 to 1001 and in this tick volume is 10. Then Price changes from 1001 to 1003 and volume on this tick was 150. I want to sum these two volumes 100+150 and put it into BULLVOLUME indicator.

    When tick change is from 1000 to 999 and volume is for example 100 then add this to BEARVOLUME indicator.

    Thanks very much for help!

  • #2
    This efs may help you get to where you want to go. It only works in real time so don't be concerned when there is no historical plot. Based on my understanding of the data stream I do not believe that the return values are accurate. However, they should be representative.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      thanks for replay. This efs you linked me to is not working (syntax error). One more thing is that I dont want to use bid/ask values because for example on forex there is no such values like bid/ask.


      • #4
        Don't know about the syntax problem. It works on my machine. Just reloaded it to make sure. Perhaps a problem in the download. Try again.

        As for FOREX , I don't know much about it. Perhaps someone else can help you with that.
        Attached Files

