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Can I reference 2 or more symbols to form an indicator ??

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  • Can I reference 2 or more symbols to form an indicator ??

    I have a number of studies written in easylanguage that reference a symbol then a number of other symbols to form an indicator.

    An example of this is comparing the relative strength of a stock with an index, or comparing up issues versus down issues, or comparing price action with tick range.

    Anyway is this possible with esignal ?

    I would like to know before I start to learn how to write in java and convert my studies.

    How do I reference multiple symbols ?


  • #2
    Hello Bluey,

    Yes you can access data for other symbols through EFS formulas. For example, in the getValue() function, you can specify the symbol as one of the parameters.

    var vClose = getValue(“Close”, 0, 1, “$INDU”);

    There is a symbol limit of 3 for any given formula. However, a symbol can be entered as a spread consisting of more than one symbol ( i.e. $INDU – 3.0$SPX). Let me know if you have more questions.

    Thank you,
    Jason K.
    Project Manager
    eSignal - an Interactive Data company

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    • #3
      Hi Jason.

      What do you mean by a symbol limit of 3? I have a script and I retrieve 5 symbols and it works well enough. Can there be a confusion with this?

      Another question I'd like to ask is the difference between getValue(“Close”, 0, 1, “$INDU”) and close(0,"$INDU)? Is one method more efficient/better than the other?

      thank you for all your help.


      • #4
        At the time Jason's message was posted (February 2003) the symbol limit was 3. Since then it has been raised to 5 and is currently set to 7


        • #5
          Thank you Alex,

          I was unaware that this was an old post.

          How about the difference between getValue("close") and close()?

          thanks again


          • #6
            If I remember correctly I think I once read that there was no appreciable difference between the two and that close() was just a wrapper for getValue("Close")
            Having said that you may still want a confirmation from Jason on this.


            • #7
              Alex is correct.
              Jason K.
              Project Manager
              eSignal - an Interactive Data company

              EFS KnowledgeBase
              JavaScript for EFS Video Series
              EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
              EFS Glossary
              Custom EFS Development Policy

              New User Orientation

