I have an efs that does a call to another efs in a separate Bollinger library, and it cannot seem to read the filename properly. The call is in C:\Program Files\eSignal\Formulas\Bollinger\Bandwidth.efs
but I keep getting an error on the calling efs - it strips off the backslash '\' character when I load it.
Error message I get it:
Downloads\ColorBBVolatility.efs, line 31: Can notfind formula C:Program FileseSignalFormulasBollingerBandwidth.efs
Here's a copy of my problem efs
but I keep getting an error on the calling efs - it strips off the backslash '\' character when I load it.
Error message I get it:
Downloads\ColorBBVolatility.efs, line 31: Can notfind formula C:Program FileseSignalFormulasBollingerBandwidth.efs
Here's a copy of my problem efs