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Odd Behaviour drawTextRelative

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  • Odd Behaviour drawTextRelative

    In tick replay mode I am experiencing odd behavior from drawTextRelative(). After it draws the statements below it starts shifting it to the left on the chart. One bar at a time. This doesn't seem to happen in real time. And most of the time it doesn't happen in playback. I even rebooted the machine. Has anyone else run across this special feature? I'd like to know how to turn it off.


    PHP Code:
    function drawFill(pPricepClr)
    drawTextRelative(0pPrice"ยข"pClrnullText.VCENTER Text.RIGHT Text.ONTOP,
    "Wingdings 3"_TXTSZ, ++iTg);
    drawTextRelative(0txtHt*2.6"["pClrnullText.CENTER Text.RELATIVETOBOTTOM,
    "Wingdings"_TXTSZ, ++iTg);
    currentPosition == _LONG "LONG" currentPosition == _SHORT "SHORT" "FLAT"),
    currentPosition == _LONG _CLRBULL currentPosition == _SHORT _CLRBEAR _CLRNEUT),
    nullText.CENTER Text.RELATIVETOBOTTOM Text.ONTOP"Tahoma"_TXTSZ-2, ++iTg);
    Text.CENTER Text.RELATIVETOBOTTOM"Tahoma"_TXTSZ-2, ++iTg);

  • #2
    Okay. Here is what I know.

    My plotted values from the return statement were also drifting. Except to the right. I tried different speeds and different playback files with no change. I tried running a similar efs from an older version. It worked without problems. I tried other efs files and they worked. I spent extensive time going through the efs looking for code issues without any poitive results. I defragmented and ran chkdsk and reloaded eSignal. Still wasn't working. Then, mysteriously it started working again. I cannot come up with any plausible answers to the riddle. At least I am able to test again.


    • #3
      Maybe Gremlins ?


      • #4
        The drift is back. Both the left drift on drawTextRelative and the right drift on the plotted indicator. This time on a different efs that had been working just fine. Given that I made no changes to the efs this would seem to be caused by something other than the efs.

        The one thing in common with all of these is that they are 1000+ lines. I haven't noticed this effect yet on smaller efs.


        Could this be the indicator drift bug?
        Last edited by Gavishti; 04-25-2004, 10:03 AM.


        • #5
          Hello Gavishti,

          Yes, this is most likely the indicator drift bug on tick charts.
          Jason K.
          Project Manager
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