Help !!!
Every time I try to use " reloadEFS(); " in my script it crashes eSignal. I thought " reloadEFS(); " would solve my problem but instead it actually kills eSignal.
I have a script that draws a ray from point A through point B.
Each time I get a new "B" I want the Ray to redraw.
Without " reloadEFS(); ",
In Bar RePlay Everything works. But,
In REAL TIME, Either it draws every possible Ray or only draws the last Ray and I have to MANUALLY do a Reload from the chart.
Any clues about what is going on?
Thanks, Opa.
Every time I try to use " reloadEFS(); " in my script it crashes eSignal. I thought " reloadEFS(); " would solve my problem but instead it actually kills eSignal.
I have a script that draws a ray from point A through point B.
Each time I get a new "B" I want the Ray to redraw.
Without " reloadEFS(); ",
In Bar RePlay Everything works. But,
In REAL TIME, Either it draws every possible Ray or only draws the last Ray and I have to MANUALLY do a Reload from the chart.
Any clues about what is going on?

Thanks, Opa.