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  • drawTextPixel

    Are there any known conflict issues with the use of tags between drawTextPixel, drawTextAbsolute, and drawTextRelative? I recently started using drawTextPixel and am having problems with drawTextRelative code that had been working perfectly for many months. The drawTextAbsolute and drawTextPixel are working as expected. I use a constant value for the tag in both drawTextPixel and drawTextAbsolute. I use an incremented value for drawTextRelative where the initial value is beyond the constants used for drawTextAbsolute and drawTextPixel. Understand it may be something totaly unrelated, but thought I'd check.

  • #2
    I've not experienced any problems..

    There are a few things to check though..

    Your "Tags" for the Pixel and Absolute drawing show each be unique (if you want unique text items to be drawn on the chart). If you want new text to replace older text, then use the same "tag" to replace a previously drawn text item.

    Regarding the Relative text... I use a BarCounter feature that is included in nearly all of my code. It solves the problem of having to generate an incremented value for each instance of a "Relative" draw. This barcounter increments with each bar on the chart.

    I pass a BarCount+"Name" into the TAG property of each Realtive (text or shape) statement. This has never failed me..

    If you need an example of my bar counter - let me know.

    Brad Matheny
    eSignal Solution Provider since 2000


    • #3
      I understand about the unique aspect of tags. I am doing all you said except the cnt+"textID" part. I will try that.


      • #4
        Well switching to a character based tag seems to have solved the problem. Now using "R" + iTg++ to generate my tags. Odd that a numeric tag worked for so long and then stopped when I added drawTextPixel. I think there may be an underlying problem in the draw... functions.

