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Formula Output Window

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  • Formula Output Window

    Is it possible to somehow copy or export the output in the Formula Output Window? The listing is long and would be easier to review if I could output it and edit it, somehow. Is this possible?


  • #2
    Hi Ron,

    Thanks for the post. Currently there isn't a way to copy text out of the Formula Output window. One workaround is taking a screenshot of this window. I think it would be a useful function, and one that the EFS developers would greatly benefit from. I'll pass it along to the Product Development Team for possible consideration in a future release. If you have any other thoughts or ideas about this, you can email them to [email protected]. Thanks.


    • #3

      Thanks for the post. Currently there isn't a way to copy text out of the Formula Output window
      Actually, yes and no. You are correct that you cannot copy directly from the formula output window. However, the formula output window information is logged to a file. This file is written over each time you start eSignal so if you shutdown eSignal, then re-start, all historical information is lost.

      What you can do is go to the file and grab the information. The file is in the C:\Program Files\eSignal directory and the filename is formulaoutput.log This log file may be accessed at any time. The file can be viewed with any text editor software, such as notepad, etc.



      • #4
        Thanks Steve for the workaround...Ron, I stand corrected.


        • #5
          Thank you for the help. Ron

