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Max of opening range

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  • Max of opening range

    Im trying to capture the high for the first ten bars of an intraday price study. I tried to capture the data using an array and do a math max function, but there seems to be a flaw in my code. I would greatly appreciate any help anyone could offer. Thanks.

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  • #2
    There are much better programmers than me in these forums, but until one of them posts, maybe my thoughts will inspire you...

    You've got vHigh = max(aMyArray). Doesn't this need a semi-colon at the end of the line? Also, try a semi-colon at the end of the next line. Also, is there a function max() that takes an array as a parameter? Don't you have to say Math.max() and don't you have to give it two, non-array parameters?

    If I were trying to find the high of the first ten intraday bars I would wait until the tenth bar and then call the Donchian Study function. Use getday() != getday(-1) to find the start of a new day and then increment a counter every bar (where getBarState() == BARSTATE_NEWBAR) until you get to the tenth bar. Then vHigh = fMyDonch.getValue(DonchianStudy.UPPER); where you have previously instantiated fMyDonch with a 10 bar lookback.
    Last edited by Foz; 06-25-2004, 02:17 PM.


    • #3
      Hello Gregory and Foz,

      Foz, Good reply by the way. To clarify a couple things for you, the ";" at the end of a line is optional. It just tells the JavaScript engine that it has reached the end of a line. It helps speed things up a bit, but not required.

      You are correct about Math.max(). If your interested in the reference material on the Math object, click here.

      Gregory, using the Donchian study in the way Foz described is certainly one way to accomplish this. Or you could try the following. See my notes in the code below.

      PHP Code:
      function main() {
      aMyArray = new Array();

      nState getBarState();
      nState == BARSTATE_ALLBARS) {
      vLastRawTime null;
      vLastValue null;
      vInterval getInterval();
      vSymbol getSymbol();
      vSymbol += ",D";

      vRawTime getValue("rawtime");
      vRawTime == null)

      vRawTime Math.floor(vRawTime RawTime.DAY);

      // Start of Performance addition
      if(vRawTime != null && vLastRawTime != null) {
      vRawTime == vLastRawTime) {

      vInterval == null)

      vInterval == "D")

      vBarTime getValue("time");
      vBarTime != null) {
      vAbsTime getPreviousTradingDay(vBarTimevSymbol);
      vAbsTime == null) return;

      vIndex getFirstBarIndexOfDay(vAbsTimevSymbol);
      vIndex != null) {
      //aMyArray = getValueAbsolute("High", 0, 10, vIndex, vSymbol); 
                  // vIndex above is the bar index for the date (vAbsTime) of the daily interval.
                  // Do the following to get the first bar index of the intra-day chart interval.
      var vIndex1 getFirstBarIndexOfDay(vBarTime); 
      // No need to pass the symbol here, it will use the chart symbol by default.
                  // vSymbol above is set to "Symbol,D" to retreive data from the daily interval.
      aMyArray getValueAbsolute("High"vIndex110);
                  if (
      aMyArray == null) return; // Always do null checks when requesting arrays of data.
      var vHigh aMyArray[0];  // Initialize vHigh to a valid value for the first comparison.
      for(var 110; ++i) {  // Loop through the other 9 array elements to find the max.
      vHigh Math.max(vHighaMyArray[i]);

      Jason K.
      Project Manager
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