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How do I start a group?

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  • How do I start a group?

    Have password protection and what not on ESIG?

  • #2

    I'm not sure I understand. Are you referring to starting a Fileshare group? If you could some additional details of what you are trying to accomplish, it will help in finding a solution for you. Thanks.


    • #3
      Well a file share group and also some people have it setup when you look at their stuff you have to login on esignal, how would I do both of those?



      • #4
        Well a file share group and also some people have it setup when you look at their stuff you have to login on esignal, how would I do both of those?



        • #5
          Hi bakedwafer,

          Setting up a group in FileShare is pretty easy. The nice thing is that you can use the same username and password that you use for the forums to start and log into your fileshare group.

          1. You'll want to start by going to the FileShare area of
          eSignal Central

          2. Log in and choose "Start a Group"

          3. You'll be given a set of options of how you would like to structure the group; permissions, sharing....things like that. Once the group is set up, you can upload files, allow others users access and so on.

          In regards to uploading files to your group, you'll probably want to read through the following FAQ


          • #6
            I forgot I had posted in this tread. What I was looking for is an EFS script where people could use one of my EFS's but they would need a password in order to use it, or would have to login.

            Thanks again, very helpful.


