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addEntitlement() question

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  • addEntitlement() question

    I am using the addEntitlement() function in preMain() and it correctly displays the Description message if the username does not exist in the file but it does not stop the script from running. Has anyone else seen this?


  • #2
    Hello Carl,

    Please post a stripped down version of your code that reproduces the problem. That will help us figure out what's going on.
    Jason K.
    Project Manager
    eSignal - an Interactive Data company

    EFS KnowledgeBase
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    • #3
      Stripped down code sample


      The attached file is the stripped down version of a very complex EFS file. I have used the addEntitlement() function in other EFS files and it did work, however, I was using the eSignal file share to store the file. I am now trying to store the file on our web site and I also have the need to use the HTTP() object so that I can read a text file and get a user's permission level to use the script. I only want to maintain one file and I assumed that the addEntitlement() function only wanted only one field per line, so I decided to put the username on one line and then that user's permission level on the next line. The addEntitlement would verify that the user could use the script in preMain() and then within main() I could verify the user's permission level.

      I am open to suggestions, if there is an easier way to do this.

      Thanks in advance,
      Attached Files


      • #4


        I've run into a similar problem and resolved it by rewriting the addentitlement feature to meet my needs. I've included a screen capture so you can see (blocked out the important stuff).

        I've been working on building a feature where it can support multiple users - meaning it would allow people like you to have access to it with enough security that you can maintain private lists of your clients.

        The cool thing about it is you can include entitlement for multiple apps for a single client. You can also setup date specific entitlements for individual clients and applications. If you wanted to include specific attributes, I'm sure we can find a way to do that for you.

        If you have specific needs, you might let me know what they are privately ([email protected]). I have sold this security system to a few people (clients) and it works perfectly (as long as your server is running). Let me know if I can help..

        I think the default addentitlement feature needs to run from the fileshare side of esignal - no other options.

        Attached Files
        Brad Matheny
        eSignal Solution Provider since 2000


        • #5
          Hello Carl,

          I believe I have the solution for you. Once the user name passes the entitlement, your formula doesn't have any logic to stop further execution of the formula based on the users permission level. I added a global flag, bPermission, and initialized it as false. Then in your getPermissionLevel() function, once the user name is found you need to check the user level and set bPermission to true if it meets your requirement. Try the attached.
          Attached Files
          Jason K.
          Project Manager
          eSignal - an Interactive Data company

          EFS KnowledgeBase
          JavaScript for EFS Video Series
          EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
          EFS Glossary
          Custom EFS Development Policy

          New User Orientation


          • #6
            Reply to Jason


            I reviewed your suggested solution but the problem that I am experiencing is that the addEntitlement() function is NOT halting the formula when the username does not exist in the file. I will write the code to check the permission level once the user is authenticated but if the user doesn't exist in the file I don't need to check the permission.

            I have successfully used the addEntitlement() function when reading the file from an eSignal File Sharing URL, which according to the documentation, was the only option in version 7.5. The capability to use a private website was supposed to be functional in version 7.6. If that is not the case then I would continue to use a eSignal file share, but I would prefer to use a private website.

            Thanks for you assistance.


            • #7
              Hi Carl,

              Yes, the user names text file needs to be on file share for addEntitlement() to work properly. If you still prefer to use a private web site, you may want to contact Brad (Doji3333) about his user authentication solution mentioned earlier in the thread.
              Jason K.
              Project Manager
              eSignal - an Interactive Data company

              EFS KnowledgeBase
              JavaScript for EFS Video Series
              EFS Beginner Tutorial Series
              EFS Glossary
              Custom EFS Development Policy

              New User Orientation


              • #8

                I'm working on something to allow my entitlement system to be FREE for people with small groups os users (and very low priced for those that have more users). I just wanted to let people know that I'm doing my best to make this ready soon.

                Let me know if you will be interested in this product?? I hope to have it ready by next week.

                Brad Matheny
                eSignal Solution Provider since 2000


                • #9
                  MENT Enablement Update

                  I just wanted to let everyone know that we're testing the working version of my new enablement system now and hope to work out the bugs before the end of this week.

                  This new system will be free for personal accounts (1~10 users) and moderately priced for professionals that need more users.

                  Remember, I originally developed this for my needs (to be able to distribute and protect EFS software apps remotely using my ISP as a solution). It cost over $800 to develop the first version. Now, we have built it so it can handle an unlimited number of clients and each client can have an unlimited number of subscribers. Also, each client can have an unlimited number of application IDs.

                  For example, lets say I have 5 products I offer. I would assign each a unique application ID. Then, when I want to give/sell the product to a subscriber, I would simply send them the EFS file I have created (in an installer version), then enable the subscriber in my remote MENT enablement system for the specific application ID. You don't need to change the files each time you send them to a new subscriber.

                  The great thing about this is I can enable someone for a specific amount of time (say 10 days, 3 months, 1 year or forever).

                  As soon as we get it all worked out and tested, I'll announce it here and invite everyone to try it out (free of course). I can't wait to hear the feedback (good or bad) and let all of you see what amounts to about 3 weeks of planning and hard work.

                  Best regards,

                  Brad Matheny
                  eSignal Solution Provider since 2000

