Hi Alex
Keeep on crashes....do not know why.
I'v downloaded the latest driver release for this machine video board (ATI RADEON 9000)driving two lcd screens . I keeep on having same problem you'v noticed of Mobs and Ellipses in Foreground rather than background. So , don't know whatta touch.....on the other machine where I'v got a Matrox Pharelia 128 driving three LCD screens, AGET is working 90% of times fine.
Two more questions:
A) how long backwards can I set the backtesting?
B) For what concern the overlay2 , I'v read your ansewers on the forum but do not know how to solve the ES problem . I'm exeperiencing the same of the other guy so once is on SPX fine, once on ES ..trouble.....
Keeep on crashes....do not know why.
I'v downloaded the latest driver release for this machine video board (ATI RADEON 9000)driving two lcd screens . I keeep on having same problem you'v noticed of Mobs and Ellipses in Foreground rather than background. So , don't know whatta touch.....on the other machine where I'v got a Matrox Pharelia 128 driving three LCD screens, AGET is working 90% of times fine.
Two more questions:
A) how long backwards can I set the backtesting?
B) For what concern the overlay2 , I'v read your ansewers on the forum but do not know how to solve the ES problem . I'm exeperiencing the same of the other guy so once is on SPX fine, once on ES ..trouble.....