There are lots of free computer programming resources on the internet, if you plan on pursuing computerized trading then maybe you should devote the effort into learning how to program…I did.
The code example that eSignal provided for auto-trading did a great job of showing the syntax of how to add auto-trading to a program, the rest is up to you…they’re not going to take you to the bank too.
For example, you can take what they have shown you and write your own functions to do whatever you want:
function BuyWithLimit(MyLimitPrice, bPlayAlert){
// Trade.buyLimit( Limit [, Symbol] [, Qty] [, OrderID] [, Route] [, TIF] [,MMS] [, Account] [, Connection] )
var bLiveTrading = TradingConnection(true, bPlayAlert);
var sOrderID = null;
if(bLiveTrading == true){
sOrderID = Trade.buyLimit(MyLimitPrice, sSymbol, nQty, null, sRouteID, sTIF_D, null, sAccountID, sConnectionID);
debugPrintln("\n*** LIVE TRADING *** sOrderID: " + sOrderID + "\t Trade.buyLimit(" + MyLimitPrice + ", " +
sSymbol + ", " + nQty + ", null, " + sRouteID + ", " + sTIF_D + ", null, " + sAccountID + ", " + sConnectionID + ")\n");
}else if(bLiveTrading == false){
sOrderID = Trade.buyLimit(MyLimitPrice, sSymbol, nQty, null, sRouteID, sTIF_D, null, sAccountID, sConnectionID);
debugPrintln("\n!!! PAPER TRADING !!! sOrderID: " + sOrderID + "\t Trade.buyLimit(" + MyLimitPrice + ", " +
sSymbol + ", " + nQty + ", null, " + sRouteID + ", " + sTIF_D + ", null, " + sAccountID + ", " + sConnectionID + ")\n");
}else return;
There are lots of free computer programming resources on the internet, if you plan on pursuing computerized trading then maybe you should devote the effort into learning how to program…I did.
The code example that eSignal provided for auto-trading did a great job of showing the syntax of how to add auto-trading to a program, the rest is up to you…they’re not going to take you to the bank too.
For example, you can take what they have shown you and write your own functions to do whatever you want:
function BuyWithLimit(MyLimitPrice, bPlayAlert){
// Trade.buyLimit( Limit [, Symbol] [, Qty] [, OrderID] [, Route] [, TIF] [,MMS] [, Account] [, Connection] )
var bLiveTrading = TradingConnection(true, bPlayAlert);
var sOrderID = null;
if(bLiveTrading == true){
sOrderID = Trade.buyLimit(MyLimitPrice, sSymbol, nQty, null, sRouteID, sTIF_D, null, sAccountID, sConnectionID);
debugPrintln("\n*** LIVE TRADING *** sOrderID: " + sOrderID + "\t Trade.buyLimit(" + MyLimitPrice + ", " +
sSymbol + ", " + nQty + ", null, " + sRouteID + ", " + sTIF_D + ", null, " + sAccountID + ", " + sConnectionID + ")\n");
}else if(bLiveTrading == false){
sOrderID = Trade.buyLimit(MyLimitPrice, sSymbol, nQty, null, sRouteID, sTIF_D, null, sAccountID, sConnectionID);
debugPrintln("\n!!! PAPER TRADING !!! sOrderID: " + sOrderID + "\t Trade.buyLimit(" + MyLimitPrice + ", " +
sSymbol + ", " + nQty + ", null, " + sRouteID + ", " + sTIF_D + ", null, " + sAccountID + ", " + sConnectionID + ")\n");
}else return;