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Creating a search / tweaking

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  • Creating a search / tweaking

    In the GET EOD package, I was able to create various search routines which were quite customisable for instance one could ask for a moving average of

    5 0 Close Exponential is above a 5 3 HLC/3 expeonential

    Can anyone advise as to how this and other searces from GET EOD can be setup in the Dashboard version

  • #2
    EOD scan vs. Dashboard scan

    The EOD version has different scanning capabilities than the Dashboard version. This has to do with the nature of a realtime scan vs. scanning data off your own computers harddrive. You will not be able to recreate every scan you have in the EOD in the Dashboard version of the scanner.



    • #3
      Bender gets a downgrade

      Indeed, the old GET EOD day product allowed searching by timeframe, why remove this feature, I would have thought it to be fundamental

      Maybe you should have a trader test the system prior to release guys.


      • #4
        FWIW you can search by time frame also in the RT version. Actually it adds three time frames compared to the EOD version ie 15, 30 and 60 minutes (the latter assuming you are not using Get data)


        • #5
          Some ramblings about Benders Downgrade

          yup, I understand that, however at the moment it only works with US stocks, which is great if thats what one trades.

          I on the ohter hand trade other exchanges and this is the problem, ie I cannot scan / search an exchange ie ASX or a Portfolio for that matter, quite a setback as I now cant do any searchs on my clutch of stocks.

          The other area of concern is the search creation, the GET EOD version has a great feature that i use as part of my early entry into a wave 5

          Im trying to bring my old searches from the EOD product into the Dashboard version, I cant find a search feature except for the scanner which does not seem to have the functionality of the earlier version, for instance I want to test if one displaced moving average is above or crossed above another, I really need this ability as its my edge if you know what I mean.

          I really would like to upgrade and take all the features of GET EOD with me and pickup the new ones on the Dashboard, bit of a tough decision here, can I drop features to replace iwth new ones, hmmmmmmm in some cases maybe but the search process just cant be abandoned.

          Im also having trouble displaying intraday data for US stocks ie AA, CMS, CPMW, DD, EK, ETM, EYE etc

          Chart template does not load well, it comes up blank, I then have to right click on each tile and goto properties and then click ok to bring up the data, I do this for each tab and then it works for the day

          when I click on the chart and then type in another stocks symbol, it doesn’t come up, ie the text is not typed into the drop down box, mind you it seems to work most times. If I use the mouse to select the drop down box it works but not from the chart. This seems to occur when I save a chart ie save page as, if I go back and then try to lookup another stock the problem occurs, nice and predicatble, your fella’s should be able to fix this one quick.

          – When tyring to use the import advanced get page files, I get unsupported page type EOD, Im assuming this is because Im using the ASX data ie BHP-ASX which is not read ie the –ASX part is causing the problem.

          Well the third day of use has gone by and Im quite pleased with the product, the dashboard is quite interesting and usefull, Im really hoping that the issues can be addressed so that I can get back to trading as compared to testing.

          All new programs have some issues, the question is, will and how quickly can they be addressed.
          Attached Files


          • #6

            and of course im getting a few of these a day

            seems to be linked to the emanager.dll which is called from the advancedget.exe program file

            my PC was rebuilt two weeks ago so its a fresh one and shouldnt be in question
            Attached Files


            • #7
              some more detail on the program termination issue
              Attached Files


              • #8

                When tyring to use the import advanced get page files, I get unsupported page type EOD, Im assuming this is because Im using the ASX data ie BHP-ASX which is not read ie the –ASX part is causing the problem.
                The -ASX extension to the symbols has nothing to do with not being able to import Pages.
                As both Craig and I explain in this thread you cannot import AdvancedGet EOD Pages into AdvancedGet RT Dashboard. The import tool is only to import Pages from prior versions of AdvancedGet RT which is a different product (albeit based on the same trading methodology)


                • #9
                  Its good and getting better

                  enough doom and gloom lets look at what a fantastic product it is and will be once tweaked up a bit

                  the below screen shot sure makes it easy to keep an eye on the watchlist, very nice, this along with alerts based on triggers ie cross of ellipse etc would just make my day
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    this really isnt much of a problem as its easy and fast to re-create the stocks and save them.

                    Im quite happy with the product and would hope that it can be amended to address my main concersn, those being

                    1 - Scan / Searches - the ability to select an exchange and a portfolio to run the search on

                    2 - the ability to create a search / scan with a displaced moving average as one of the options, please refer to GET EOD for an example or what I was hoping to do

                    these are high priority issues for me, hopefully they can be addressed, the other issues are low priority

