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  • #16
    Error message - GetOscStudy is not enabled

    I am getting error message for the very 1st time I open up esignal. Line 185 : BuiltinFormulaStudy: GetOscStudy, is not enabled. It happens only when I save a page with MultiOSC-4c study and next time I start esignal. I have to reload the study each time to make it work again. I saved the study in a folder created under Formulas folder. Looks like GetOscStudy is not finiding the proper library path for the very 1st time esignal starts. Any suggestion ?


    • #17
      I am not able to duplicate the problem.

      You need to be entitled for Advanced GET studies, which appears that you are. The problem seems that when you launch program, the entitlement verification is being delayed, for some reason. As an experiment, try closing the program with another page. After relaunching the program and this page is loaded, go ahead load the page with study on it and see if the error appears. If doesn't then it is probably a slow entitlment verification, which could be a connection issue and call Tech Support.

