You can remove the lines by left-clicking on the eraser tool, then left-clicking on the line you want to remove. In the case of Fib Ret or Fib Ext, all the lines will be removed when you click on any one of them.
Alternatively, you can place the X cursor on top of one of the lines and right-click. This will bring up the menu box for that line. Click Remove to remove them. In this same menu box is a box for Line Width. Change the weight of the lines here. 1 is the smallest, 2 the next bigger, etc.
Maybe it is just the EOD, but I don't believe you can thicken the Fib EXE or RET lines yet? One trick I do to thicken bars is to use the Pencil, select horizonal, and use a thicker data bar selection on it.
I should have clarified which version I was talking about! I use EOD and the procedure I described will thicken the lines. Don't know about the Realtime version.
Thanks all! Marc you idea works the best for now.. hopefully in the future they will add the feature of being able to remove the lines, line size and text size changes.