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AGET - SUCCESSFUL -plz answer

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  • AGET - SUCCESSFUL -plz answer

    Hi all you traders out there ,
    Was wondering how many of you use the AGET and find it successful. If you have found it to be succesful would you care to share with me the markets and methods you use in trading it will be much appreciated - mainly focusing on shorter/ medium ie holding a position for no more than 2 weeks at the max.

    thanks for your time and efforts

  • #2
    I have only been trading with Adv Get for 5 weeks.

    My confidence in the system is improving daily. They do not provide a backtester for the system.

    I would also love to know statistically how well the 2 trade strategies perform.




    • #3
      Hey there,

      What markets are you trading and time frames just curious because you said things are going well thanks for your input


      • #4
        Hi I trade the S&P E-Minis, Bonds and stocks across all world markets. I am a professional trader.



        • #5
          Do you only use the aget type 1 setup or different trading models?


          • #6
            You can find answer to you question referring to this THREAD with the same subject
            Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


            • #7
              Originally posted by mickson
              I have only been trading with Adv Get for 5 weeks.

              My confidence in the system is improving daily. They do not provide a backtester for the system.

              I would also love to know statistically how well the 2 trade strategies perform.



              I red you are a pro.

              So you know that in this job application and study is the rule #1

              Since AGET is a particular soft and should be know in any specific part, let me suggets you couple of things:
              * read carefully the AGET manual you have been provided with, in particular the second part regarding the Tech Analisys

              * JOIN MARCUS group AT THIS LINK . Marcus is a real pro and a great analist /trader and a Living Bible about AGET since he worked ( and works) shoulder to shoulder for many many years with Mr. Tom Joseph who is - himself- one of the top ten trader in US othere than the man that made possible ADVANCED GET Software by founding his company TRADING TECH. eventually merged with ESIGNAL in which he is the VP S.D.

              You and all the others will got a great benefits from the clristal clear Marcus charting examples and suggestions.

              Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


              • #8

                Thank you for your words on Advanced Get, each day I spend more and more time working with the system and grow more confident with it.

                As some one who has experimented with quite a few systems, one is often reluctant to spend too much time with something that in the end isn't really worth it.

                What drew me to AG is the fact that is has one so many awards as a system software. However, I have never known too much about the people who designed it and trade with it.

                As a hedge fund manager I have to show my results to my clients on a monthly basis. This forms my track record.

                I was hoping that someone affiliated to AG would have something such as we made X profits a month over a year or two working on Adv Get.

                The honest answer is I am not too fussed as the single most important tool ahead of any system is money management. Therefore if Adv Get is right 40% of the time it is good enough for me.




                • #9

                  Your position as an istitutional is even more important for the contribute you can give due to your experience.

                  Well you name it: money management. This is the real point.

                  You probably are aware that the majority of the indipendent traders do not put this issue at #1 position in their game plan priorities.

                  MM means performance which eventually leads to success.

                  But - i must sadly say- many believe that the Stock Market is a Fountain ......spriking money. This is Hamburger Hill .

                  With no MM most of them will end in a black zipped this I mean loose money and change life.........

                  This is Hamburger Hill for the many who do not understand that this is the most beautifull and yet the most demanding and tiresome Job.

                  Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mickson ... I was hoping that someone affiliated to AG would have something such as we made X profits a month over a year or two working on Adv Get.

                    I am a very private person and just don't share personal facts or figures with others. Second, I have nothing recent to report. When I was told to start posting for "Trader's Outlook" I purposely closed my futures account out, and refrained from stock trading. Because I did not ever want anyone to challenge my personal ethics, I decided to postpone trading for a while to reduce possible conflict of interests.

                    By not trading I have been able to focus all my attention on helping others become successful with the eSignal software with Advanced GET features.

                    I will admit, though, the excitment of trading is an extremely powerful aphrodisiac. There have been times lately where I start to dream again about just trading. Fortunately for others, money has never been a primary motivator. I really enjoy helping others learn how to be more successful with this excellent software.

                    But now that I don't have to do "Trader's Outlook" anymore, it might be a good time to reactivate trading accounts, right?

                    As a public full disclosure comment: The only recent personal investments done was moving earlier this year retirement 401k money from the 1% money market it was in for two years when the market was going down, to four different mutual funds where it now sits doing well. I was able to not lose money the last couple years while it seems many did.

                    Oh yes-- I just remembered-- as a favor, I did help my neighbor day-trade Cisco (CSCO) late last year for a period of 6 weeks. He was struggling with his trading. Later, Tim emailed me at tax time this spring asking why we stopped. His accountant had never seen anyone make money day-trading, and Tim had made over $100,000 in those 6 weeks. He told me he had 80% wins. He did the trading. I just helped him with parameters, gave my interpretation of market conditions, and offered scenarios to monitor for and actions to take if they happened, using only eSignal software w/AGET features.

                    We live in a very litigious society where, frankly, you fart funny, someone threatens to sue. I am not really paid to talk about my personal trading success, so I remain hush-hush on any personal accomplishments. Again, as trite as it may sound, the fact Advanced GET has been out there all these years and keeps winning awards should speak for itself.

                    We at eSignal are truly committed to help others become successful using eSignal software with Advanced GET features.


                    • #11

                      I thank Marcus for the detailed disclaimer and I apologize and amend if ever someone could have misinterpreted my words in a speculative sense. I do not believ it possible but as Marcus says :
                      We live in a very litigious society where, frankly, you fart funny, someone sues you
                      I actually on purpose overlooked your three lines since it appears evident to anveryone that in this BB nobody gives " Levels " or any other kind of supportive advising service on investment or pubblic savings soliciting.

                      If this is true in the whole BB is even more true for a Cristal Clear person and pro like Marcus.

                      Nevertheless I can say that Marcus group and Charting activity is a priceless tool in order to master this soft.
                      I would risk to say, a indisèpensable tool to "boost" everyone knowledge at no cost.

                      This is ADVANCED GET, This is eSIGNAL

                      Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                      • #12
                        Hi Mike,

                        I am with eSignal Advanced GET, and I have been with Tom Joseph, the developer of Advanced GET, for over 12 years. Advanced GET is a great tool for identifying trading opportunities and establishing risk/reward parameters. After that, it is money management. Yes, Fabrizio and you are right: Money management is the most important.

                        Another important thing, as Fabrizio mentioned, is education and application . In our User Seminars, we not only cover trading strategies, entries, exits, etc., but we place trades in real time. I have attached a year to date statement from an account I use at User Seminars. AES and a portion of WMB are closed and the rest remain open with money management based on the timeframe they were taken. Trades were selected with eSignal with Advanced Get Studies, the Advanced GET Scanner, or Advanced GET EOD. Most of the trades were placed during a seminar.

                        As a money manager, you know you are as good as your last trade, your last month, your last year.

                        No representation is being made that any account will, or is likely to, achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. This in no way is a recommendation to buy or sell the stocks in this portfolio or to buy and sell any stocks. Past performance or current performance is not indicative of future performance. No representation is being made that by attending a User Seminar you will achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. I have other accounts that may show profits or losses.

                        Best regards,

                        Andy Bushak
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Hi Andy ! great to read you

                          Mike let me drop a note:

                          Tom Joseph, Andy Bushak , Mike Quanbeck ( all Aget people) are in the "TOP TEN BEST TRADERS IN USA."with XX years of activity.......

                          So wherever I am, who ever I am , whatever is my net worth : when they talk I - personally- Just listen . As in Church.

                          And - unfortunately - they do not talk so much....

                          Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                          • #14
                            Hi there

                            I just wanted to say that I get a really good feel about the guys on this bulletin board. It hasn't been long and I already feel part of a great community.

                            I have 2 suggestions that I would like to add:
                            1). I mentioned this to Marcus and would like to know your thoughts, can we post our views on different stocks/indexes, etc on a board like Traders Outlook.
                            As a rule I don't like to listen to too many peoples interpretation of the markets, however, I would be very happy to hear someones views on the markets who use Advanced Get. So if I have a view on the S&P500 and I have done my homework I may want to post it for others to critique my analysis. Please forgive me if this is already being done, if so please tell me which BB.

                            2). I am sure alot of you guys have heard of the group of traders called the turtles, well Ed Sykota has an excellent website that focuses on the psychology angle of the markets and having a group forum to let off steam. Perhaps we can setup a bulletin board that deals with the psychology angle we traders experience.

                            I am no expert in this field save to say that I go every 2nd week for executive coaching by a top psychologist in the field of stress management. I know this is a site of hardcore technical traders but let us not forget the most important tool in our arsenal is our brain and we need to focus on getting the best out of it.

                            By way of an example I am a subscriber of Elliott Wave International, and naturally have been short for the last couple of years. This has been a good strategy over the last 3 years but over the last year it has been a disaster. I have naturally suffered a large amount of stress, alongside a decent financial loss. Of all the traders I am friendly with there is only 1 trader in my circle that I draw comfort from discussing the markets with.

                            I think it could be very useful discussing different emotional issues. This posting won't appeal to the majority of people out there, however, for those of you who understand what I am saying lets try something out.


                            Mike Berman
                            [email protected]


                            • #15
                              By way of an example I am a subscriber of Elliott Wave International, and naturally have been short for the last couple of years. This has been a good strategy over the last 3 years but over the last year it has been a disaster.

                              I'm glad you appreciate the "ambience" of this community where aggressivity and primadonnas attitudes are not the best members .
                              Whilst a let the moderator answer to your other questions let me point out what I quoted in the beg. of my post.
                              I'm honestly sorry for the losses you suffered and for the consequent stress. Me too I'm as approach short in this period (you can verify it by my posts) but....:
                              a) I do not fall in love with my IDEAS, no matter how strong are they. By and large I assume I'm always wrong and let the market ( HE is always right) show me that I'm right

                              b) I personally read daily B. Pretcher and Associates opinions, and there is no days in which they say: just for today GO LONG and harbor your profits. He is inloved with is IDEA and EGO and push others to follow it. The results are clear to yourself .

                              c) very humbly I can only try to foresee how to cover myself from major losses in the next 5 days. In any manner.

                              Yes I have my "big cycle " ideas but let them on side to concentrate on day by day market movements . I'm here to make money not to boost my Ego in front of 2 millions of people and say: "You see?, I was right again". (Sooner or later the marke t will move in that direction and he will say it ANYWAY.)

                              They eventually are not copiyng my "Master Idea"
                              but following AGET on a daily approach ( after the war I do not take ON positions untill the situation will be clearer= Market definitively directed toward aclear direction) I take long or short positions on 45 min/30 min.
                              Or I do not take any position , which is actually take a position.
                              Or I choose another Security in which I feel more confortable .
                              Or I make some Spot FX.

                              Conclusion: It appears clear from my words that I do not like Mr. Pretcher EGO driven Approach.
                              I woluld like to see he's ticket and see if their are showing always short positions( on indexes ). Mmmmmmhh, what you think?
                              It is somehow "unhethical" -just because you catched a major movement once or two- let the peolple believe the unbelieavble, and actually get money for advising in a monochord way and plaiyng with the others money .

                              I already mentioned in this BB Elaine Garzarelli and her Sept. 1987 forecasts - to the youngets of you this name does not mean anithing.

                              She was not able to marketing capitalize on her moment and disappeard.... she could have been the Pretcher ante litteram, with more expertise on fundamentals.

                              In Italy we have a say" The Mothers of the Dumb is always pregnant"


                              PS: If you go in the search engine and look for Marcus's post of end April Beg may you will see clearly explained his statement: " This could be something more than a mini rally"
                              Marcus clearly expalined later that he switched his 401k ret. funds towards a more aggresive growth management.
                              This is what I call SKILL and ETHICHAL behavior.
                              Last edited by fabrizio; 09-14-2003, 01:33 AM.
                              Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili

