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Gann box & Fan?

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  • Gann box & Fan?

    Were is the info on these features? (pdf's) Both of these tools seem to be LACKING significantly. (missing lines... Gann fann? since when? more like it should be gann angle? (

    any info would be nice?


  • #2
    I don't think the Gann Angle is missing Gann lines, but it creates the illusion because the default scale may be off from what works best with that chart. To improve a Gann Angle scale, go to the Gann Angle menu, experiment with scale settings. The Gann angle fan will adjust itself to more usable angles the closer a scale gets to its best fit for that data.

    To redraw a Gann Angle, right click while highlighting a Gann line, either select 'Optimize' or manually input a new price scale to create Gann Angles more to your liking.

    I will try to create PDF's as soon as time permits. I have added you suggestion to my work list. If you are interested, Andy Bushak does share some of his ideas on Gann in his seminars.

    If others wish to share their Gann ideas here, you are more than welcome. That is what this forum is about.



    • #3
      Re: Gann box & Fan?

      Originally posted by realm1
      Were is the info on these features? (pdf's) Both of these tools seem to be LACKING significantly. (missing lines... Gann fann? since when? more like it should be gann angle? (

      any info would be nice?

      Realm 1

      What is actually out of order with AGET GANN tools?

      Can you please elaborate a bit more, maybe I can Help you.
      Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


      • #4
        This is one I am refering to: will get the other ASAP.
        Attached Files
        Excellent book on JavaScript for beginners


        • #5
          This could be what Realm is refering too?

          Excellent book on JavaScript for beginners


          • #6
            Originally posted by FibbGann
            This is one I am refering to: will get the other ASAP.

            You can accomplish taht with FIB ANGLES.

            Than insert YOUR angles for YOUR security OR use OPTIMIZE

            YOU vcan have as many lines you like . You like a 16X1? ok, input 16X1 in the appropriate area and you'll have it.

            AUTOGANN is more for novice, I admitt, howevere works fine and gives no problem.

            SQUARE works fine AFAIAC, please let me know what wrong in your opinion. Thec point is onlòy how to use it.

            Same with Time and Price again how to is very important but still very simple . Simple TRADING TOOLS TO MAKE MONEY is the approach of Mr.Tom Joseph. Though AGET is NOT a GANN specialized SOFT, the tools are perfectly integrated in the overall picture of the operational philosophy.

            Should youy have more input I believe that they would be appreciated by the Development team.

            By the Way, I know a number of Pure GANISTs that use regulary AGET.
            Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


            • #7
              I think the problem here is that he does'nt know how to set it up.
              Which there is no documentation on it. I tried messing with it but, (to much trial and error) was easier to use another program.

              Excellent book on JavaScript for beginners


              • #8

                I'm In position now

                If Marcus ahs nothing in contary I can help Him.

                So if he wants to wait a little I'm going to go through all the settings with him.

                Hope it helps


                Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                • #9
                  One more thing, that might help others in the future. Esignal might consider the option of being able to turn off the down angles or up angles.(HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) This seems to be the most common use of other programs.

                  Being able to use just an up angle on lows and a down angle on highs.

                  Excellent book on JavaScript for beginners


                  • #10

                    Esignal might consider the option of being able to turn off the down angles or up angles.

                    You can already do that now (see image).


                    • #11
                      General information on how to use AdvancedGET can be found at eSignal University that can be reached from the eSignalCentral toolbar.
                      Specific documentation for the AdvancedGET studies is available here


                      • #12


                        Gentlemen the forum is done to help and support you, but just a litlle gym of your elbow in:
                        - Open The AGET Manual
                        - Surf The BB using the search Engine
                        - SURF the esignal site where "education"

                        could help very much yourself.
                        Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                        • #13
                          To explain the difference in Auto Gann optimization.... here is one way to create more relevant Gann Angles using the AGET Optimize feature for both older EOD and newer eSignal AGET:
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            Thanks for the clerification. Sorry I did not get a manual. And I do search around alot. But, you can only search so many places before the long dragging process of finding something drives you up the wall.

                            Please accept my apology!



                            • #15
                              Hi Realm1,

                              No apology is needed. The eSignal BBS exists to help make your life easier and to assist traders as much as possible. You asked a very legitimate question and we sincerely are glad to assist. We will continue to work on developing more details on this and other Gann related tools.

                              Thanks to all who contribute here. If anyone would like to expand the Gann topic, this is a good time to start building more material and examples. Any contributions you can make will be greatly appreciated.

