Attached is an illustration with comments to show ways to print things out. There is no one way to print out a thread. You can use the standard MS <Print> function, or you can scroll to bottom of a thread and select the <Printable Version>; or you can highlight, copy, cut-and-paste a chart to a paint program, resize if needed, then print it out. I only recently discovered the URL function where you post a chart in File Share and then attach the link here in the BBS. When you do this the chart shows up under the printable version and prints a chart nicely, but I cannot go back and redo all the stuff I posted. I also post a duplicate charts in the Advanced GET User Group now so you may be able to there and print out a chart.
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Interesting Chart Patterns To Monitor In Coming Days...
To paraphrase from something a popular American cartoon character, Wimpy (of Popeye fame) would say: "I will gladly pay you tomorrow if you will buy me 100 shares on the next pullback".... (hey, is a big joke, don't really do it!).... just monitor it and see if this thing ends up ultimately doing a pullback and Type 1 setup we tend to like to see....