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S&P fun with Gann

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  • S&P fun with Gann

    Never took the gann box seriously. Nevertheless, I tried the Gann Box on the daily S&P Cash chart, and a nice fit was obtained. Andy would say: play with it until it looks good.

    This opens a whole new perspective and forces you to think "outside of the box" within the Gann box (pun intended).

    Magenta markings are purely speculation. Any ideas on this?

    Attached Files

  • #2
    Philippe, here is another Gann Box... it really is a very nice tool to use, isn't it!
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Here is an other Gann Box idea to experiment with....
      Attached Files


      • #4

        Never took the gann box seriously. Nevertheless, I tried the Gann Box on the daily S&P Cash chart, and a nice fit was obtained. Andy would say: play with it until it looks good.
        Each one must feel confortable with the tools he use.
        But very humbly, can you explain me why you never took seriously The Gann Box?

        It is - honestly and humbly - just a matter of curiosity.
        And - as always- I full respect your position or any position that make feel confortable a trader.
        Nevertheless I like this corp and Mr. TJ program and approach ( since allow me to make money safely) and therefore I'm glad for the fact that you getting little more closer - thanks to our magister maximum Marcus - to this tool.

        Thank you and sorry for putting my nose in a thread that do not regard me at all.
        Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


        • #5
          Marcus - thank you for educating us on the Gann box and other GET tools. We are all lucky for your patient and unrelenting support.

          Fabrizio - why did I not take the Gann box seriously? The other tools and parameters are plenty enough for my simple trading style, and second, fiddling with the Gann box takes some time and experience, and I am limited with both. I am confident that adept Aget users get a lot of mileage out of the Gann box.
          I agree with you that Aget is the best there is, and the support and community is tremendous. Oh, and yes, Aget is profitable for me.

          And yes, omnium magistribus Marcus fortissimus est.



          • #6

            Nam Quis autem veraciter laudat, nisi qui sinceriter amat?
            Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


            • #7

              Chi mai lo loda veramente, se non chi lo ama sinceramente? Dunque รจ come se dicesse: " Voi, che temete il Signore, amatelo ". St.Aug Ep 140,18




              • #8

                Bella sorpresa scoprirti lettore di St. Agostino.

                La mia era una traslitterazione verso il nostro caro Marcus.

                Poiche' molto lo lodiamo molto gli vogliamo bene, in termini sinceri..
                Last edited by fabrizio; 10-23-2003, 01:10 AM.
                Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


                • #9
                  Accosento con l'elogio per il nostri amico ed insegnante Marcus.
                  Il dio li benedice. Philippe

