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Change Gann Angle "Optimize" selection like it does in old AGET platform

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  • Change Gann Angle "Optimize" selection like it does in old AGET platform

    When you get time, could eSignal change back the Optimize selection in the AGET Gann Angle menu so it works like it does in the old AGET platform?

    In the old AGET platform you can 'optimize' a Gann angle without having to first apply an angle on a chart. Whatever chart is active gets 'optimized' any time you select Optimize in the Gann Angle menu, even before an actual Gann angle is applied.

    In the newer eSignal platform you have to FIRST apply a Gann angle, and use whatever default angle you have. (I believe the default is 100, which creates almost vertical, totally useless Gann angles.) Then you have to go back to the Gann Angle menu to edit those worthless angles. Now when you click on Optimize the optimization process actually works. It will not work prior to this.

    For someone who does not trade this is a minor issue, but for traders this is a major point of frustration. Little frustrations tend to add up to mistakes over time.

    The old AGET platform's 'optimization' methodology works best, and it is preferred by traders.
    Last edited by MR; 03-13-2004, 01:07 PM.

  • #2
    Dear Esignal

    Let me add some constructive remarks.

    Beside the Gann Optimizer point which is absolutely important , there is more things to add.

    -Tom Joseph started a study which was -IMO- was promising , " Cycle". This is is no more present in integrated AGET. It was the seed for a Neural net, and the DBASE Built in for some securities was actually very interesting.

    - It is about an year that I request an aswer about extending the MARKET SCANNER to other markets (EU Stocks) and EXPECIALLY DERIVATIVES. No answer so far and no Timing.

    - Autorotate was usefull and has been disconnected from the 7.5

    - Let's try to ADD VALUE To AGET rather than subtract value.

    Esignal , let me note that I spent 3500 € for a Dongle that is worthless when I bought my AGET RT Stand Alone.

    What about If I'd Like to get back to Stand Alone AGET?

    Fabrizio L. Jorio Fili


    • #3
      Please let me add:
      eSignal is a technical marvel! When I got into trading 9 months ago, I thought I'd build a tool to take data feeds and chart them. Then, I tried esignal -- it's absolutely superb!

      - Features and a programming language to extend it
      - Stability -- Iit really stands up to 9:30's 'crush'.
      - Extensibility -- I'm always finding some cool new thing -- like, dropping auto-trend channels on $TRIN. When I first got it I said, "Who want's all these windows talking to eachother (interval / stock groupings) -- but, now, the cascade is just so-cool.

      I still want to add a couple things:
      OPTIONS support is still a bit (very) rough...

      I reported a bug 3-4 months ago:
      - Right click a stock
      - Select Option Chain
      - Close Option Chain window before it finishes loading
      - eSignal crashes.

      I don't know about you but I crash esignal 2-3 times a day because I 'option chained' the wrong option then I close it. I've stopped using option chain because of it.

      But, options support gets rougher than that:
      - $ Sign Chicken Dance: Try and pull option chains for $SPX. "You put the dollar in, it takes the dollar out, you put the dollar in, and it crashes w/o a doubt...".

      - I have 500 quote limit but try to pull the $SPX chain: WHAMO! Instant 'over limit' message. OK, I know there are a lot of chains on the S&P but it's just impossible to re-program my settings every time I just want to pull S&P. I'd have to set to a specific month just to pull a listing which doesn't help me see the volatilities / prems across time. I know this is a more complex issue because, in truth, I am pulling too many quotes for my liscence. But, there should be a 'snapshot' mode where if you ask for too many it will open in a snapshot? Or, something?

      - PREM's: I love tracking my option prices in the quote window but it would be really nice to have access to all the elements of the option price (delta, gamma, theta, and premium, at least). These would be even better in DDE, too! It's nice to see when my prem is getting compressed in a rally, etc.

      Can I say: I LOVE THE NEW MATH feature on stock symbols! Now, I can put a symbol like QQQ - 35 - 'QQQ CI'. Or, not. Because I have to physically multiply it by something. So, I've looked @ stocks 'near a dollar' as a multiplier but that's too risky... But, it is a way-cool feature none-the-less!

      Thanks eSignal engineers -- I love this product.
      And, if you ever do a focus group on how to enhance the options side of it, please count me in.



      • #4
        As a veteran AdvancedGET standalone user and also owner of the EOD version I think eSignal has added tremendous value to AdvancedGET. Then again this opinion of mine is not new as I have stated it in the past both in this forum and in AdvancedGET's forum at YahooGroups.
        As far as I am concerned while in the past I needed to use AdvancedGET and another programmable application today I can achieve the same and more running one program only which allows me to focus exclusively on trading without having to switch "mindsets".
        Interestingly enough in the closing of one of my comments on the differences between the two packages I suggested that the divide between them was likely to increase in time. I think that has happened more so than ever and faster than I had originally foreseen and has now come to the point where I would actually like to see the EOD version receive the same kind of added value.
        Just an opinion of course.


        • #5
          Alex, I don't think I can edit like I could when a super moderator. Could you correct this thread title typo? Meant to say 'Old' not 'Odd'.

          FWIW, I love both products. Any comments I post is only meant to be constructive advice, not critical in any way. I am very grateful for what eSignal has done and continue to be a big supporter.

          Thanks for others comments. It reinforces my belief both products still have great value to traders.


          • #6
            Originally posted by soylent
            I have 500 quote limit but try to pull the $SPX chain: WHAMO! Instant 'over limit' message. OK, I know there are a lot of chains on the S&P but it's just impossible to re-program my settings every time I just want to pull S&P. I'd have to set to a specific month just to pull a listing which doesn't help me see the volatilities / prems across time. I know this is a more complex issue because, in truth, I am pulling too many quotes for my liscence. But, there should be a 'snapshot' mode where if you ask for too many it will open in a snapshot? Or, something?
            Just a quick note on this. By default the Options Window is set to Dynamic mode (all symbols in chain update dyanmically), but there is a way to set it to a snapshot mode. Please toggle the snapshot mode on by clicking on the icon seen below. For an FAQ on this topic, please visit this page.
            Attached Files
            Jay F.
            Product Manager
            Have a suggestion to improve our products?
            Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11


            • #7
              Originally posted by JayF
              Just a quick note on this. By default the Options Window is set to Dynamic mode (all symbols in chain update dyanmically), but there is a way to set it to a snapshot mode. Please toggle the snapshot mode on by clicking on the icon seen below. For an FAQ on this topic, please visit this page.
              Thanks Jay -- you're right.

              I should have been more proactive and set that to snapshot by default. Rarely do I actually need/want 'dynamic' on that screen anyway -- but, it is a sight to see all those prem's recalculating...


