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Success Stories with AdvG Anyone?

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  • Success Stories with AdvG Anyone?

    I am considering adding AdvancedGet and using it to trade. I found the White Paper in the ESignal files but would like to hear from others how good or not so good it can be for trading and compared to other strategies & methods. The White Paper test seemed to be done in haste with a trader who only had 1 week to learn it and they did very few Type 1 & 2 trades. Can anyone add some personal statistics like % win, avg trade win %, any other anecdotes what works better. It seems to me if something is really good, and costs a fair amount of $$ there should be additional success/failure rates or at least personal anecdotal stories. I am looking for strategies that are fairly consistent and so far the AdvGet is appealing. Grateful for whatever you have to offer.

  • #2
    Take a look @ my post to Marcus on the 'bias reversals' in this area for some ideas on how I use it.

    If you are new to trading, you will flail around for a while trying to decide what works / doesn't work. AGET does work. But, it's definitely not the easiest of tools. (Though, I guess it could be easy if you just follow the signals 'as they come' and don't try to second-guess AGET like I do...). (And, DO get yourself some proper training! This is real money -- not just the monthly fee -- but your investments...)

    Frequently AGET is surprisingly right. This usually occurs when I've ignored it. e.g. AGET was signaling a selloff on QQQ on the 60 minute last week. I refused to believe it. That cost me quite a bit...

    What's the win %? I've heard 55%. I believe it's more than that. Though, I think 'times are changing' w/ regards to how you follow AGET. Some of the rules on measuring oscillator retraces don't work as well in the high-volatilty stuff like NQ (QQQ) because Daytraders blow their stops and it takes a while for the waves to follow through after all that selling / buying occurs.

    As an example, on NQ, I will trade off the cash market vs. the price of the futures. The futures are all over the place so, I try to never look @ their actual price -- it would terrify me! And, I try to get low-risk entries and then set a fairly wide stop (4-5 points).

    Anyhow, if you are new, I think AGET / Elliott Waves are one of several things to learn. What I've found good (also, read the 'bias reversals' post):
    - AGET Elliott Waves for structure / market direction
    - Fibonacci (the AGET ELLIPSE): For good low-risk entry points
    - Moving Averages: Because they are VERY well followed. In particular: 50/100/200 and the 34 EMA.
    - ADX: Play w/ that later -- but, it's good for studying cycles

    Do I think AGET is worthwhile? Well, some days I think it's a turd.

    But, like I said, on the DAILY and 60M timeframes, I will NEVER take a large position against the AGET suggested direction! Even down to 13 minutes, it's pretty accurate. The problem w/ these waves is: You never know for sure when they will complete. It took that 60 minute example (above) over 1 week to sell off.

    Finally, I can add: I'm still paying for it after 6 months.



    • #3
      Success w/Adv Get

      I have used Get for three years and was mentored by another Get user for one year. It is effective and I wouldn't want to part w/it. I have had particular success w/the XTL feature and I would gladly pay for that only if it were available. My mentor/teacher is very successful at trading equities and futures. I have no negatives to report. It does take time and practice to get used to. If you've traded for a while you'll probably pick it up much quicker than if not. Just make sure you follow the rules and stay away from being a cowboy(easier said than done for everyone at times) and you'll do well. Just make sure you get a low cost broker like Tradestation or Interactive so you can trade small to start and not get killed by mistakes. Yes you can paper trade but it is not the same as trading your own money.


      • #4
        Using Advanced Get with Tradestation - how does it integrate ?


        I am very interested in Advanced GET studies and what I have heard and read about their accuracy.

        I believe it can be used with Tradestation which I am learning. I cannot find any documentation on how it integrates with Tradestation e.g. through anh API or is it a plugin ?

        Could anybody help or advise on how the two products integrate ?

        I emailed esignal 3 times but got no reply - strange attitude to potential customer support.

        Any help appreciated

        Kevin Raggett


        • #5
          eSignal support

          Yup, ive had the same response to emails, ie automated reply and nothing else.

          I attempted to trial the scanners, which I couldn’t get to work and no one replied to my emails either, so I gave up in the end.

          I even had a go at the online support, I asked one question, they answered in a vague way and terminated the session, and I tried another four times with the same response. They must be paid by how many sessions they have thus terminating after one sentence is weakly replied to.

          I would like to say perceiver, but after my experience I feel that you would just be wasting your time.

          The best support you can get is from Marc Reinhardt, he is an ex employee who travels through the boards and provides all the support one could want, contact him.

          The product is great and worth learning but the support sucks (try ringing them, I have done this with great success but of course its costly)

          good luck


          • #6
            Are you using the correct support address?

            Try this address--

            [email protected]

            The guys answering this address are very good people who specialize in this field.

            Originally posted by Ainsley
            Yup, ive had the same response to emails, ie automated reply and nothing else.

            I attempted to trial the scanners, which I couldn’t get to work and no one replied to my emails either, so I gave up in the end.

            I even had a go at the online support, I asked one question, they answered in a vague way and terminated the session, and I tried another four times with the same response. They must be paid by how many sessions they have thus terminating after one sentence is weakly replied to.

            I would like to say perceiver, but after my experience I feel that you would just be wasting your time.

            The best support you can get is from Marc Reinhardt, he is an ex employee who travels through the boards and provides all the support one could want, contact him.

            good luck


            • #7
              While the address MR refers to is technically correct, sending emails to a specific email address can be problematic. It's far better to use one of our email forms on our Contact Us page so the message is sure to get through our spam filtering.

              If you don't get a reply, please use the Customer Care email link at the bottom of our Contact Us page. Emails to Customer Care are sent directly to the Service Management team so we can investigate any possible service shortcomings.

              Regarding Tradestation and Advanced GET, I do not believe there
              is any direct compatibility between the two products.


