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Advanced GET training videos?

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  • Advanced GET training videos?

    Does anyone know where I can find VHS or DVD training videos for Advanced GET? I have searched google and yahoo search engines and come up with everything from tie bo videos to... well you name it. I would appreciate any help I can get with this.


  • #2

    Try calling the eSignal/AGET Akron office (330-645-0077) and ask for Paul Gera in sales. Paul is very good helping people. Ask him for about the tapes or DVD and he will get you an answer.


    • #3
      I have an extra set of the 1997 Advanced Get Seminar. 5 VHS tapes. Let me know if you want them.


      • #4
        PJ, if Jim decides not to take the videos then let me know. I am thinking about buying the product and would be willing to purchase the videos.

        So send me the info at [email protected]


        • #5
          Just this week, we have now made a new DVD available for learning all about Advanced GET software. The DVD was made earlier this year with updated examples and step by step instructions. This new DVD replaces the 97 Video series and the length is a little over 3 hours.

          This new DVD is inlcuded in the purchase price of the software, in most instances, but can also be purchased seperately for $295 plus shipping. You can contact our Sales Dept to order (800) 815-8256.



          • #6
            Free if Subscriber?

            Hi Scott,

            From reading your reply it looks as though the dvd would come free with a subscription to AdvancedGet. I just called your sales department and they said that it's $295 regardless of whether you get AdvancedGet or not. Can you verify what we can do as subscribers to get this video included with our subscription? Thanks.


            • #7
              Sorry about the confusion.

              Advanced GET comes in a few flavors. I'm referring to the Advanced GET EOD standalone software package. When you purchase this package, you get the DVD shipped with it and included in the price.

              We also offer Advanced GET Studies as an add-on to eSignal and if you go that route, the DVD costs extra.

              The DVD was specifically done using the GET EOD standalone version but most of the content applies to the GET studies as well.

              We may do some sort of promotion to include this DVD in the future for GET studies but we haven't designed that program as of yet.



              • #8
                Hello Scott,

                Is there any discounted price for current Advanced Get EOD Users with regard to the training DVD ?



                • #9
                  Hi Eric,

                  There's no such discount at present but it's a good suggestion. We'll give it some consideration. You likely received the older video series when you signed-up with us originally so while the examples in the DVD are fresh and the presentation has improved quite a bit, the core content remains pretty much intact.



                  • #10
                    If I have the old Advanced Get Video Course which is included in my Advanced Get Package purchased last year.

                    Is it necessary for me to buy the DVD?

                    I can't attend the Advanced Get Trading Strategy seminar because of the visa issue. Is there any DVD relate to this course?


                    • #11
                      Hi billmak,

                      We've taken the existing content of the old video series and updated it with current examples and a few enhancements. We have better technology today than we did 6-7 years ago so the quality is quite a bit better as well. Since the core content is pretty much the same as the older video series, I can't say you "need it" but it would be an excellent refresher.

                      Hope that helps.


