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Is CME really BURSTING data?

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  • Is CME really BURSTING data?


    What is going on here? Last thurs and fri. my P4 2.4 Ghz. was keeping up with market on some pretty high volume 1min bars.

    Yest. and today, my P4 2.4Ghz cannot even keep up with a 2000 contract bar on a 1min chart!!! My CPU is constantly spiking to 100% and my charts are falling behind.

    This is leading me to believe that CME is NOT bursting data, but esignal is trying to "optimize" (more like minimize) their bandwidth connection to CME at the expense of flooding (what you call as "Bursting") theri clients with data.

    The problem is not really with CME bursting data is it? It is really esignal that has is the problem and they are trying to shift blame to someone else by claiming that it is CME that is bursting data.

  • #2

    Since our collaboration with the CME regarding the bursting issue, we have not seen the amount of calls that were indicative with slow data during peak times of the market. We've been working with the CME closely to get this issue resolved and all signs thus far indicate that we are no longer seeing any problems with a data slowdown. One point that you mentioned was a CPU spike of nearly 100%. The bursting issue through our experience should not affect the CPU processing tasks to this degree.

    All of the upgrades needed to resolve the CME issues have taken place and indicate that the issue has been resolved.

    Because the computer specs you mentioned, I have couple of questions that may help isolate what is causing this.

    1. Are you running any EFS studies on any of the Advanced Charts in question?

    2. Are you running a particular tick or time based interval? (i.e.) 50T, 133V, and so on?

    3. What version of eSignal are you currently running?

    A P4 running at near 2.4 MHz should be more that sufficient to keep up with the data feed even at high volume times of the market. If you could elaborate on other programs that you may be running along with eSignal, we will do everything we can to help. Thanks very much.


    • #3

      I agree. Notice this problem few wks back coinciding with the 'CME bursting' thread.

      My cpu is spiking even during normal periods where approx. 2000 contracts trade per 1min bars. My CPU would never spikes on this low turnover before in the past.

      I have not changed anything on my PC except for upgrading to esignal 7.8 early last week.

      But like i said, on Thur. and Frid. everything seemed ok the issue you had seemed to be resolved.. we had some good 9-10k contract turnover on 1min bars and my PC was able to keep up.

      Today, it has been very very bad.. 2-3k contracts/1 min bar spikes my cpu to 100%

      Nothing has changed on my PC except for the upgrade to esignal 7.8. And i'm not running any EFS, advanced cahrts, or tick based.

      But i don't think that is relevant here because other than what i mentioned, nothing has changed.. still plotting same charts, same # of charts, same indicators, etc as i have been in past 3 yrs!


      • #4

        Sorry, but reread your post.. misunderstood i keep forgetting that esignal offers it's own charting package.

        I'm not using the esignal charting packaging. I'm using TS2k with the esignal Data manager as the feed.


        • #5
          Hi etrader,

          Thanks for the clarification. I haven't heard of any specific issues with TS2K, but I'll keep my eyes open for anything that resembles what you are experiencing and hopefully find a resolution. Thanks for letting me know.


          • #6
            just to provide some feedback...

            I don't know if you guys did anything this afternoon or not, but as i write this, we have been getting some good turnover on emin iS&P 1min. charts where turnover > 3kcontracts/min, as high as 6k/min and my CPU is spiking to 100% BUT ONLY BRIEFLY AND MY TS2K CHARTS ARE NO LONGER falling behind anymore. This is more how my PC use to perform under these conditions.

            Actually I noticed this today starting around 2:15pm EST we had bit of turnover on emini S&P, >4k contracts and no CPU staying spiked, and no TS2K chart lagging

            HOWEVER, in the morning session today on similar turnover of only 3000 contracts my CPU was spiking, staying spiked for unusally long periods, and my TS2k charts were falling behind.

            So if you guys have made some changes today maybe keep this in mind.

