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Daily, weekly, and monthly charts broken

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  • Daily, weekly, and monthly charts broken

    For indexes, futures, and stocks, they won't load data. They say "No Data" in the cursor window. If I hit Control-Click on "No Data", the message turns into "Receiving" but nothing is received. The hourly and minute charts are fine.

    Been like this all weeekend. Please fix asap, I need the daily charts.

  • #2
    I'm seeing the same problem. Intraday and tick charts OK but daily charts not working (which also means weekly and monthly). I've reported the issue to our Network and am awaiting a reply.

    Thanks for the report.


    • #3
      I have been unable to get any tick or volume charts since Friday for all index futures (ES, ER, NQ, YM AX M5-DT, GB M5-DT etc..)

      Data is coming through, I can get minute charts, but not Tick or Volume charts...

      This was raised on another thread..

      Esignals response was that it was a fault within 7.9 and that a later build version (to be released) will solve this...!!

      I am not using 7.9 and in veiw of the posts here regards Daily ,Weekly charts etc, I am hopeing for a proper response without delay.


      Last edited by swan; 03-28-2005, 12:08 AM.


      • #4

        Esignals response was that it was a fault within 7.9 and that a later build version (to be released) will solve this...!!

        FYI that response was due to the fact that you posted your message in the 7 Series Beta forum and 7.9 is the version currently in beta.
        Irrespective I replied a few minutes after your message showing that tick charts were available


        • #5

          I am grateful for your response.
          I am also very pleased that you are not having a prolem with your tick charts.

          However, I would ask , where does this leave those having issues with their tick charts. ?!

          Esignals response regards 7.9 implied that there was an issue with tick charts only for that version.

          I pointed out that I was not using 7.9 to bring their attention to not being able to get tick charts on other versions. Indeed, another user refered to their 7.7 not loading volume charts in that 7.9 beta thread.

          That being said, my enquiry is only and merely to seek an answer as to why my tick charts have not loaded since Friday.

          They are still not loading and we are only some 2 hours away from the US open.

          Needless to say, I am a paying customer and would very much appreciate some help, or some constructive response, regarding a problem I am having.

          Last edited by swan; 03-28-2005, 03:34 AM.


          • #6
            How is your Time Template set with regards to Intervals T and/or V? Do you have any User Defined settings for those intervals?
            If not create one for each Interval and set them to load anywhere between 2 and 5 days to begin with and see if that makes a difference
            As far as I can see tick and volume charts are available at this time (see attached chart showing current prices for ES)


            • #7

              I have attached copy of time template.

              This is as it has been for, I can't remeber how long. Many months...

              The only thing that has changed, since Saturday, is the Summer Time Plus one hour for the UK. I do not know if this is the route of the problem.

              Thankyou for your response.

              Attached Files


              • #8
                Since you live in the UK why don't you contact the eSignal office in London?


                • #9
                  Esignal's UK office is closed.

                  They do not supply support on Bank Holidays.



                  • #10
                    Did you actually try calling them? My understanding is that they are open and available for support


                    • #11
                      This is the number I usaully call..

                      0207 825 8770

                      It has an automated message explaining their office is closed.



                      • #12
                        FYI I just called them at the support number listed here and they replied right away


                        • #13

                          Yes thx I am on the phone via their 0207 825 8777 Tech support number.

                          I usually reach this via the other number I gave but that dept is closed today.

                          Thx for your help. I hope that they can help.



                          • #14
                            As an update.

                            I have Tick charts working.

                            I needed to set up New Time Templates with 6 days.

                            However once this was done, the older 2 day Time Templates (when selected) were also able to then bring up my Tick charts.

                            Hope this is of help to anyone else.

                            Thanks for your help Alexis.


