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  • Yhoo

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  • #2
    Where is the intraday high gone?
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    • #3
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      • #4
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        • #5
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          • #6

            Quickly looking at this, your time template for daily is set up for 0:00-24:00 whereas your other intervals are set up for 15:30-22:01.

            Perhaps, if they were set to the same time period, you would not see this disparity. You may want to set up your daily to 15:30-22:01 and see if that helps.


            • #7

              The daily data are correct. I checked with reuters.



              • #8

                Your first set of posts were based on eSignal charts which were on different time templates. I was trying to point out that this was not a valid comparison as one set of data is limited to a snapshot of time of 6 hours and 31 minutes and the other data includes the whole 24 hour day. Bottom line, you were are comparing apples to oranges.

                Now, in your response, you indicate that Reuters Data agrees with the daily data. All this tells me is that the Reuters data is based on on the same 24 hour day that your daily template is set to, a validation of the eSignal 24 hour data.

                if you change your time template on the other charts (presently a 6 hour, 31 minute snapshot out of a 24 hour day) to show all 24 hours of the data, I would expect the highs and lows over that 24 hour period to agree with your daily data based on that same period. Until you do this, you are not comparing apples to apples.


                • #9
                  Take a look to the 60min. and 5min. chart below. They are different. This tells me there is something wrong. And this happens very often. Esignal is not able to give us acurate stock data. And its not my job to send a bad tick five times a day.
                  The next problem is pre and post trading. We have not possibility to choose if we want this to be includet or not. Only with the time template.

                  I dont know what you mean with my daily chart of 24h. They are o.k.
                  The intraday data are wrong. Take a look below.



                  • #10
                    With regards to the 5 and 60 min chart showing different low values for the day this is the same issue I explained to you in a prior reply (excerpt from that reply follows)

                    "...As to the 60 min chart you need to take into account that if you are using a Time Template that starts/ends at 9:30-16:00 ET (or equivalent) then the last bar ie. the one time stamped 15:30 will collect data up until 16:29:59 which means that it will include after market trading. This is true of any interval that does not fit exactly in the number of minutes contained in the RTH. Some consider this to be incorrect while others do not. Irrespective you may want to send in your suggestion to [email protected]
                    In the mean time If you want to see the chart include only RTH use intervals that fit exactly in the 390 minutes contained in the 9:30-16:00 ET Time Template such as for example 65 minutes..."

                    In the case of YHOO the 5 minute chart is only using RTH data (set by the Time Template) which is the same used in the Daily chart. If you extended the Time Template for the 5 min interval to 16:30 (or equivalent if in a different time zone) then you would see the 5 minute chart match the 60 minute chart. At that point however neither would equal the daily because the daiily does not include pre/post market data.


                    • #11
                      Thanks Alex,

                      than, esignal should give us the chance to choose if we want pre or post trading. Why is this so difficult. A button with pre/post trading on/of. Fine.


