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Eurex and Dashboard

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  • Eurex and Dashboard

    First let me congratulate Esignal with the Dashboard addition. It`s very usefull.
    It would be nice to be able to use it with Eurex-data as well.
    So could you please start updating the Eurex-contracts from the beginning of the tradingsession - not 1 hour into the session.
    And while we are at it - please stop providing us with the 1 or 2 flat bars (representing the settlement) after the market has closed. They have no relevance and are messing up every indicator Advanced GET provide us with.
    Marketdata and indicators must reflect reality.
    Don`t you agree?

    Best regards

  • #2

    Thank you for your post. I can confirm that Eurex contracts do seem to be cutting off the first hour on Advanced GET RT and the settlement is appearing in the chart. This occurs duing half the year and is because the Eurex exchange doesn't observe Daylight Savings. The way around at least the 1st hour being cut off is to turn on the All Sessions selection in the Issues tab.

    The other part of the settlement appearing in the charts will need to be addressed on the programming side (our developers have been alerted to this fact.)
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
    Have a suggestion to improve our products?
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    • #3
      Hei JayF
      Thanks for your quick reply.
      It seems both problems should correct automaticaly in a few weeks time. I am looking forward to that.
      I do use the "All session" data. Dashboard doesn`t - and nor should it because of the settlementbars.
      The solution to the problems could be that:
      1. Esignal twice a year manually change the intraday updating sequence on its servers.
      2. Users of the Advanced GET RT get the option to set timetemplates for intraday charts and the dashboard.
      The former is perhaps best for everyone.
      Best regards

