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Yield Curve

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  • Yield Curve

    Can anyone tell me how to find a yield curve visual on esignal (10 year treasury - 2 year treasury)?

    Thank you!

  • #2
    This is a feature we don't currently carry, although we have had the yield curve available in eSignal Pro in the past. It was removed from the product as the tool was written a long time ago and was a 16-bit application. As newer operating systems came out, many clients were having compatiblity issues with that feature and eventually it became unusuable to most.

    We don't receive many requests for it, however it certainly does bring value to our product line. We have a few data source issues to work out on the back-end, and this product may be introduced at a later date.
    Jay F.
    Product Manager
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    Click Support --> Request a Feature in eSignal 11

