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eSignal faulty data

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  • eSignal faulty data

    eSignal faulty data

    There is missing data from time sales for the following symbol APS Z6-SFE.

    Its seems about 12 minutes esignal didn't process from the exchange from about 10:09am to 10:21am.

    Is there a way to get this data?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    eSignal Faulty Data

    Normally what can be done when missing data is try refreshing the T&S chart you're looking at. This can be done one of three ways;

    1) On the top right side of the chart you have you green OK. Simply left mouse click on the OK will request the data and refresh the chart.

    2) Retyping the symbol in the top left corner in the symbol box and pressing enter on the keyboard will refresh the chart once again re-requesting the data for the symbol.

    A third and more dramatic way would be to close the chart you're looking at and opening a new one. If after you have refreshed your chart you are still missing the data please contact your Technical Support via LiveRep or our Technical Support so that we can further investigate.

    Thank You
    eSignal Support

