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Servers have different data?

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  • Servers have different data?

    Has anyone noticed that when using eSignal app that sometimes the data is different? I don't think eSignal has good data integrity across its servers.

    Sometimes data in the charts is missing or different, ie. price or volume or both?

    If you exit eSignal app and run it back up a few times you will get different servers and different data, especially for tick data. Sometimes daily charts don't even have the right volume or prices.

    Shouldn't all of eSignal servers have the same data?

    Can eSignal fix this?


  • #2
    Hi Twiz,

    As you are probably already aware, the amount of data the exchanges transmit on a daily basis continues to increase, resulting in a doubling of daily data from year to year. eSignal constantly monitors this increase and not only responds to it, but also proactively plans for it by making changes to the software and servers that comprise the eSignal Data Farm. While eSignal makes every attempt to stay ahead of the curve, we must ensure that new hardware and servers are tested and incorporated properly to ensure that these efforts address the needs.

    To answer the question regarding different data—

    The data represented within our server farm is congruent. However, please keep in mind that some differences may be observed due to anomalies outside of eSignal’s control. For example, two servers performing the same task and identical in every way could still have slight differences due to minor performance fluctuations in network cards, RAM performance, memory addressing, etc. eSignal does its best to minimize these fluctuations, but some are inevitable. When we receive reports of errors we quickly correct those errors.

    Your statement regarding seeing different data within eSignal and your application that implements the eSignal Desktop API is interesting. We would like to hear more about that to address this properly. Please relay that information to the Developer Support Group which handles those type of issues. Please send e-mail to [email protected] them for further assistance.

    Also if you could please PM me you username so that I can check to see which servers you're connecting to.

    eSignal Support


    • #3
      Missing Data on ES #F!

      eSignal historical intraday data is often missing if you want to see charts that are older than a week or so. It used to be that you could get data/charts all the way down to 1-min. back about 5-6 months. But this is very difficult to do now at least for the ES #F symbol. Most of the time I can only get 1 min. ES data back 5 days or so and I have to disconnect and relogin to eSignal many times before I'm lucky enough to get randomly connected to a server that has more complete data. Usually 2 min. or longer charts have everything complete but I cannot get complete 1 min. charts! This is the time-frame I trade so it is unacceptable not to have this available. See attached example for data for Nov. 8, 2007 end of day. After 14:32 CST the 1 min. chart is blank until 22:00. The 2 min. chart to the right is complete. Why is this?!? It seems most of the data is missing always in the afternoon of the "problem" days. And data is almost always missing during periods of high volatility or fast markets. I could show you charts for about half of the days each month are like this. Part of why I use eSignal is so I can backtest strategies but this is useless if I can only look back a week! Help!
      Attached Files


      • #4

        There can be situations when some data is missing from random servers, but it remains unlikely. You are explaining that a 2 min chart displays all data, but a 1 min doesn't. Considering that the 2 min chart has the data, the server you are connected to has to carry the data too. It could then be down to the application not displaying all data for a 1 min chart. Similar situations have been seen on some installations of version 10. First of all, please make sure that you are running the latest version available at If you have it already, try to overcome this issue using a time template as shown below. I have used 20 days of intraday data as an example, but you can select up to 120 days. Please be aware that the higher your number, the longer the charts take to load the first time you open eSignal.

        Hope this helps.


        • #5
          Thanks Elmar. I upgraded from the initial ver.10 to the new release of v.10 and changed my time template from "dynamic" to 120 days and I my charts/data now seem very complete.

          Do you know when servers will start having more than just 120 days of intraday day data?


          • #6

            I've unfortunately missed your question regarding the increase of intraday data. At the moment, there is no clear time frame for providing more than 120 days. There are though various engineers working on this project and hopefully we will reach this important mile stone in the near future.

